cumillative total

  • Hi all,

    I had a question....

    create table #t(id int, dt datetime, amt float)

    insert into #t select 1,dateadd(d,-2,getdate()),100 union

    select 1,dateadd(d,-1,getdate()),150 union select 1,getdate(),250 union

    select 2,dateadd(d,-3,getdate()),100 union select 2,dateadd(d,-2,getdate()),150 union

    select 2,getdate(),250

    select * from #t

    id dt amt

    1 10/3/2011 100

    1 10/4/2011 150

    1 10/5/2011 250

    2 10/2/2011 100

    2 10/3/2011 150

    2 10/5/2011 250

    Can I write a query to get the amt column showing cumilative total for each id as shown below...

    id dt amt

    1 10/3/2011 100

    1 10/4/2011 250

    1 10/5/2011 500

    2 10/2/2011 100

    2 10/3/2011 250

    2 10/5/2011 500

    Please help me in this doubt.

  • Hi ,

    Running totals can be solved but are quite inefficient,

    You have 3 options :

    Triangular join ( Very Slow)

    Quirky Update ( Lot of hoops to jump through)

    Cursor (blurgh and slow)

    In Denali its a simple one-liner 🙂

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Soft Developer (10/5/2011)

    Hi all,

    I had a question....

    create table #t(id int, dt datetime, amt float)

    insert into #t select 1,dateadd(d,-2,getdate()),100 union

    select 1,dateadd(d,-1,getdate()),150 union select 1,getdate(),250 union

    select 2,dateadd(d,-3,getdate()),100 union select 2,dateadd(d,-2,getdate()),150 union

    select 2,getdate(),250

    Please help me in this doubt.


    Same like ur quary refer to the below link:


    Need help? Help us help you.

  • You can do cumulative totals using a correlated subquery.

    SELECT id,dt,amt,(SELECT SUM(amt) FROM #t b WHERE = AND a.dt >= b.dt)

    FROM #t a[/url]

  • vince_sql (10/6/2011)

    You can do cumulative totals using a correlated subquery.

    SELECT id,dt,amt,(SELECT SUM(amt) FROM #t b WHERE = AND a.dt >= b.dt)

    FROM #t a

    I would very much advise against that , for all but the smallest amount of rows.

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Any chance you are using a reporting tool which will do the rollup / running total?

  • I guess the question is what are you going to do with this query? Is this to be kept as a persisted column in a table? Is this going to be displayed in a report? Is this just for a client interface?

    What type of business are you doing that requires this running total? A bank that is going to have thousands of customers looking at their balances every hour (individualized running totals)? An insurance company where an analyst just needs a dashboard once a week of claims and premiums (summary running totals)? An inventory warehouse or airline company where you need to know for all stores how many 9 penny nails are in stock or how many tickets have been sold for a certain flight (the middle ground)?

    The reason I ask this question is this will inform your solution. You need to know how many potential users are hitting this query, how often, and how many times it will be run. A bank will use the running totals query much more often than an insurance analyst and the inventory / airline will too, but probably use it less often than a bank because the items are grouped in bigger sets.

    Once you know this information, you know your latency / performance requirements. Then we can help you find a better solution.

    Though, if you're trying to solve the running totals puzzle that was recently posted elsewhere (and tends to be a homework assignment), asking the question of others here is kind of a cheat.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Dave Ballantyne (10/6/2011)

    vince_sql (10/6/2011)

    You can do cumulative totals using a correlated subquery.

    SELECT id,dt,amt,(SELECT SUM(amt) FROM #t b WHERE = AND a.dt >= b.dt)

    FROM #t a

    I would very much advise against that , for all but the smallest amount of rows.

    I completely agree with Dave on this. If you do this type of triangular join on a small number of rows such as the original posted table, it looks very fast. Try some testing by gradually increasing the number of rows in the table. You'll find that when the tipping point is hit, performance degrades very quickly.

    I used the correlated sub-query technique years ago when working on an international film box office reporting system. When the number of films per country hit around 45 films, the performance plunged dramatically. That's a very small number of rows. We of course had to change the way we were doing things.

    Todd Fifield

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