cursor help

  • I am having troubles getting to the else statement in this

    cursor. I am not really familiar with cursors, but I was

    told this is the only way to get the information that I


    This is the data listed in the same order as the sursor

    selects it

    07/06/2003 13:08 0 12369 12369 33633

    33633 11588 15125 4123 3567 3563

    9135 2500 123 456 789 987 3

    07/06/2003 13:47 0 102708 102708 451334

    451334 102281 127507 12392 7812 4587462

    135002 7495 95660 114427 3435255 942120 1

    Cursor text

    set nocount off

    Declare DMSexportcursor Insensitive cursor for

    Select convert(varchar(10),workdate,101), totaldownloadvolume, total_workvolume, strategyvolume, totaldials, dialattemps,

    accountscalled, dialerconnects, contacts, promisestopay, signedinduration, answers, abandons

    allocatedtime, availabletime, wraptime, talktime

    from tbl_report

    where report_id in (1,3)

    Open Dmsexportcursor

    Fetch next from Dmsexportcursor

    While @@Fetch_Status = 0


    If (select sum(strategyvolume) from tbl_report where report_id = 1 ) >'0'


    select distinct convert (varchar(10), a.workdate, 101) as workdate, a.total_workvolume, a.strategyvolume,

    (a.totaldials + b.totaldials) as totaldials,

    cast(((a.totaldials + b.totaldials)/cast((a.strategyvolume + b.strategyvolume) as decimal (9,2))*100)as decimal (9,2)) as penetration,

    a.accountscalled,(a.dialerconnects + b.dialerconnects)as dialerconnects,

    cast (((a.totaldials +b.totaldials)/cast ((a.dialerconnects +b.dialerconnects) as decimal (9,2))*10)as decimal (9,2))as connectspercent,

    (a.contacts + b.contacts) as contacts,

    cast(((a.contacts + b.contacts)/cast((a.dialerconnects + b.dialerconnects) as decimal (9,2))*100) as decimal (9,2))as contactpercent,

    cast(((a.dialerconnects +b.dialerconnects)/cast((a.totaldials + b.totaldials) as decimal(9,2))*10)as decimal (9,2)) as RPCtodial,

    (a.promisestopay + b.promisestopay) as promisestopay,

    cast ((a.promisestopay + (b.promisestopay)/cast((a.contacts + b.contacts) as decimal (9,2))*100) as decimal (9,2))as ptppercent,

    cast (((a.signedinduration + b.signedinduration)/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))as signedinduration,

    (a.strategyvolume + b.strategyvolume)/(cast (((a.signedinduration + b.signedinduration)/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))) as accountsperhour,

    (a.dialerconnects + b.dialerconnects) /(cast (((a.signedinduration + b.signedinduration)/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))) as connectsperhour,

    (a.promisestopay + b.promisestopay)/(cast (((a.signedinduration + b.signedinduration)/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))) as ptpperhour,

    (a.contacts + b.contacts)/cast (((a.accountscalled + b.accountscalled))as decimal (9,2))*100 as contactpercent,

    (a.contacts + b.contacts)/(cast(((a.signedinduration + b.signedinduration)/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))) as contactsperhour,

    (a.totaldials + b.totaldials) / (cast (((a.signedinduration + b.signedinduration)/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))) as dialsperhour,

    (a.answers + b.answers)as answers, (a.abandons + b.abandons) as abandons,

    (a.abandons + b.abandons) / cast (((a.answers + b.answers)) as decimal (9,2))*100 as abandonspercent,

    (a.allocatedtime + b.allocatedtime) as allocatedtime, (a.availabletime + b.availabletime) as availabletime,

    (a.wraptime + b.wraptime) as wraptime, (a.talktime + b.talktime) as talktime

    from tbl_report a, vw_sfrefresh b

    where a.report_id = 1 and b.report_id = 3 and

    convert (varchar(10),a.workdate,101) = convert (varchar(10),b.workdate,101)


    else if (select sum(totaldials) from tbl_report where report_id = 3 ) <>0


    select distinct convert (varchar(10), workdate, 101) as workdate, total_workvolume, strategyvolume, totaldials,

    cast((totaldials/cast(strategyvolume as decimal (9,2))*100)as decimal (9,2)) as penetration,


    cast ((totaldials/cast (dialerconnects as decimal (9,2))*10)as decimal (9,2))as connectspercent,

    contacts, cast((contacts/cast(dialerconnects as decimal (9,2))*100) as decimal (9,2))as contactpercent,

    cast((dialerconnects/cast(totaldials as decimal(9,2))*10)as decimal (9,2)) as RPCtodial,


    cast ((promisestopay/cast(contacts as decimal (9,2))*100) as decimal (9,2))as ptppercent,

    cast ((signedinduration/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))as signedinduration,

    strategyvolume/(cast ((signedinduration/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))) as accountsperhour,

    dialerconnects /(cast ((signedinduration/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))) as connectsperhour,

    promisestopay/(cast ((signedinduration/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))) as ptpperhour,

    contacts/cast ((accountscalled)as decimal (9,2))*100 as contactpercent,

    contacts/ (cast ((signedinduration/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))) as contactsperhour,

    totaldials / (cast ((signedinduration/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))) as dialsperhour,

    answers, abandons, abandons / cast ((answers) as decimal (9,2))*100 as abandonspercent,

    allocatedtime, availabletime, wraptime, talktime

    from tbl_report

    where report_id = 1



    select distinct convert (varchar(10), workdate, 101) as workdate, total_workvolume, strategyvolume, totaldials,

    cast((totaldials/cast(strategyvolume as decimal (9,2))*100)as decimal (9,2)) as penetration,


    cast ((totaldials/cast (dialerconnects as decimal (9,2))*10)as decimal (9,2))as connectspercent,

    contacts, cast((contacts/cast(dialerconnects as decimal (9,2))*100) as decimal (9,2))as contactpercent,

    cast((dialerconnects/cast(totaldials as decimal(9,2))*10)as decimal (9,2)) as RPCtodial,


    cast ((promisestopay/cast(contacts as decimal (9,2))*100) as decimal (9,2))as ptppercent,

    cast ((signedinduration/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))as signedinduration,

    strategyvolume/(cast ((signedinduration/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))) as accountsperhour,

    dialerconnects /(cast ((signedinduration/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))) as connectsperhour,

    promisestopay/(cast ((signedinduration/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))) as ptpperhour,

    contacts/cast ((accountscalled)as decimal (9,2))*100 as contactpercent,

    contacts/ (cast ((signedinduration/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))) as contactsperhour,

    totaldials / (cast ((signedinduration/cast (3600 as decimal (9,2))) as decimal (9,2))) as dialsperhour,

    answers, abandons, abandons / cast ((answers) as decimal (9,2))*100 as abandonspercent,

    allocatedtime, availabletime, wraptime, talktime

    from vw_sfrefresh

    where report_id = 3

    Fetch Next from DMSexportcursor


    Close DMSexportcursor

    Deallocate DMSexportcursor

  • Hmmmm - I may be missing something. Isn't it true that if you FETCH NEXT without using the INTO option that the resulting dataset is just returned to the calling routine. Since the IF statement (If (select sum(strategyvolume) from tbl_report where report_id = 1 ) >'0') works on the table and not on the cursor, it is always true.

    Perhaps you mean FETCH ...INTO @wrkDate, @dwnldvol, etc. etc.


  • I've only given the code a quick once over, but it looks like you could do away with the cursor. Cursors are heavy on resources, so it tends to be better to avoid them if possible.

    You can try using a sub-query and CASE WHEN ... ELSE ... END for each of the columns that vary in your SELECTs. You will end up with a large SELECT statement, but if programmed correctly should run faster.

    As far as your cursor goes Guarddata is right - you are just looping round exactly the same query for the number of matching rows in tbl_report. There are a couple of good examples of Cursors in Books Online, see DECLARE CURSOR under Transact-SQL Reference

  • Phew what a mess!!

    I'll not bother to decipher all that, suffice to say it looks way to bloated for its own good and probably the schema is in a bit of a bad way.

    But to the cursor... what is it for? You don't use it at all!! All you are doing is executing the containing SQL a number of times, the number of rows that result from the cursor definition query in fact.

    Guarddata is write... Fetch next from Dmsexportcursor ... into what???

    The whole point of a cursor is that you fetch the results of the cursor query one row at a time into one or more local variables for processing within the cursor.

    You don't do this, your cursor is meaningless. I suggest you read up on cursors in Books On-Line.

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