Cursor not Fetching all the rows?

  • Hi, I am using SQL 2000 query analyzer.

    I have created a cursor selecting from a Temp table #A that has 200 rows. In the cursor main body I do not have any joined tables just hard coded syntax + the variables value that the cursor feed in and insert into another temp table #B. After the cursor finish running I only have 95 rows of data in my temp table #B. Do you know why some rows are missing?

  • Please could you post the code here.

  • PCQ,

    It's kinda like asking us to fix your car without seeing the car.  Please post the offending code and table structure along with maybe some sample data

    --Jeff Moden

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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Here is my code below.. #TableA got 200 rows. After I finished the cursor #TableB got only 90 rows. Please advise. Thanks.



             SELECT    Pcode,Prtl, StNo,cID,ScID,TARM,


       FROM       #TableA --where MKID =158

             order by Pcode,mtype,MKID


          Open X_Curs

          FETCH NEXT FROM X_Curs into  @strPcode,@strPrtl,@StNo,@cID,@ScID,@strTARM,



          WHILE @@FETCH_stat = 0  BEGIN


          Select top 1 @TUID = Re.LU_UID from #TableA T ,#X_REAS Re

                 where Re.Pcode = T.Pcode and Re.VID = T.MKID and Re.VCode ='SCF'

                and Re.Pcode = @strPcode and Re.VID = @MKID


          SELECT @strXText =


          '<SFRea>'+ISNULL(RTRIM(Re.CT_REA), '')+'</SFRea>'


          @strXText + '<SFRea>'+ISNULL(RTRIM(Re.CT_REA), '')+'</SFRea>'


          from #X_REAS Re, #TableA T

          where Re.Pcode = T.Pcode and Re.VID = T.MKID and Re.VCode ='SCF'

          and Re.Pcode = @strPcode and Re.VID = @MKID

          Group by Re.Pcode,Re.VID,Re.LU_UID,Re.CT_REA ORDER BY Re.LU_UID ASC



          insert into #X_REAS2( Pcode,MKID,X_SCRF)

          select Re.Pcode,T.MKID,  @strXText

          from #X_REAS Re, #TableA T

          where Re.Pcode = T.Pcode and Re.VID = T.MKID and Re.VCode ='SCF'

          and Re.Pcode = @strPcode and Re.VID = @MKID

          ---CREATE withReas  CHILD ELEMENT

          Select top 1 @TUID = Re.LU_UID from #TableA T ,#X_REAS Re

          where Re.Pcode = T.Pcode and Re.VID = T.MKID and Re.VCode ='DIS'

          and Re.Pcode = @strPcode and Re.VID = @MKID



          SELECT @strXText =


          '<withRea>'+ISNULL(RTRIM(Re.CT_REA), '')+'</withRea>'


          @strXText + '<withRea>'+ISNULL(RTRIM(Re.CT_REA), '')+'</withRea>'


          from #X_REAS Re, #TableA T

          where Re.Pcode = T.Pcode and Re.VID = T.MKID and Re.VCode ='DIS'

          and Re.Pcode = @strPcode and Re.VID = @MKID

          Group by Re.Pcode,Re.VID,Re.LU_UID,Re.CT_REA ORDER BY Re.LU_UID ASC



          insert into #X_REAS2( Pcode,MKID,X_SCRF)

          select Re.Pcode,T.MKID,  @strXText

          from #X_REAS Re, #TableA T

          where Re.Pcode = T.Pcode and Re.VID = T.MKID and Re.VCode ='DIS'

          and Re.Pcode = @strPcode and Re.VID = @MKID


          if @strFTX IS NULL Begin set @strFTX ='''<fTx></fTx>''' end

          Else if @strFTX IS NOT NULL Begin set @strFTX ='''<fTx>'+@strFTX+'</fTx>''' end 


          SET @strSQLX =

                        'INSERT INTO #TableB(Pcode,XText1,XText3,XText5,MKID,CUID) '

    + 'Select '+''''+@strPcode+''''+ ','

    +''''+ '<SujInfo>'+ ''''+ '+' 

    +''''+ '<SujInfoKey>'+ ''''+ '+'


















             Print (@strSQLX)

             EXEC  (@strSQLX)

           FETCH NEXT FROM X_Curs INTO @strPcode,@strPrtl,@StNo,@cID,@ScID,@strTARM,



          CLOSE X_Curs

          DEALLOCATE X_Curs

  • Well, I count at least 6 inner joins in that cursor, and without the data, it's hard to know where they're being lost. Can you at least post the Print(@strSQLX) results from a few passes?

  • Here is the (@strSQLX) results below


    INSERT INTO #TableB(Pcode,XText1,XText3,XText5,MKID,CUID)

    Select 'BBBTTT','<SujInfo>'+'<SujInfoKey>'+'<studyNumber>ATP111</studyNumber>'+'




  • You're doing a lot of concatenations...

    Could it be that some of the concatenated values are NULL, and you're session have CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON ...?

    If so, that could explain the 'lost' rows.


  • I agree with Kenneth on this one. What you might want to do is add a a counter to your loop, and print out the counter and the code for each pass. Since neither the cursor declaration nor the insert have a WHERE clause, and you stated that there are 200 rows in the source, this seems to be the most likely suspect.


  • I think I found my own problem. The problem is I worked from home using a wireless DSL and the cursor return only partial rows. Nevertheless when I worked from my office it did not have that problems. Blame it on the wireless DSL .I hope my answer will help others too. 

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