Cursor Or Not

  • Name                      Date                        Cost1           Cost2             Cost3            Cost4
    AAA                      2011-04-16                 Null              5.00               5.00               12.00
    AAA                      2015-06-06                 Null              Null                Null                Null          
    AAA                      2018-07-23                50.00         25.10             78.30              167.00
    BBB                      2010-01-01               Null            Null                 Null                 Null
    BBB                     2018-07-23               25.00          18.00               5.00               120.00
     CCC                   2017-11-04                  Null                Null               Null                Null
    CCC                    2018-05-06               Null               Null              Null                  Null
    CCC                    2018-07-01               250.00            200.00       150.00             60000

    The information above is in a table, I would like to know without writing a cursor procedures what would be the best way to only return rows with the Name data that has the most recent date, so it can look like:

    Name                   Cost      
    AAA                       50.50
    AAA                        25.10
    AAA                      78.30
    AAA                      167.00
    BBB                       25.00
    BBB                       18.00
    BBB                          5.00
    BBB                       120.00
    CCC                      250.00 
    CCC                      200.00
    CCC                       150.00
    CCC                       60000

  • No need for a cursor here, simply filter the set first and then unpivot it.

    Here is an example


    ;WITH SAMPLE_DATA ([Name],[Date],[Cost1],[Cost2],[Cost3],[Cost4])
    AS (
      SELECT 'AAA','2011-04-16',Null,5.00,5.00,12.00    UNION ALL
      SELECT 'AAA','2015-06-06',Null,Null,Null,Null    UNION ALL
      SELECT 'AAA','2018-07-23',50.00,25.10,78.30,167.00  UNION ALL
      SELECT 'BBB','2010-01-01',Null,Null,Null,Null    UNION ALL
      SELECT 'BBB','2018-07-23',25.00,18.00,5.00,120.00   UNION ALL
      SELECT 'CCC','2017-11-04',Null,Null,Null,Null    UNION ALL
      SELECT 'CCC','2018-05-06',Null,Null,Null,Null    UNION ALL
      SELECT 'CCC','2018-07-01',250.00,200.00,150.00,60000
          PARTITION BY SD.[Name]
          ORDER BY  SD.[Date] DESC
        ) AS ND_RID
      SELECT BD.Name, BD.Cost1 UNION ALL
      SELECT BD.Name, BD.Cost2 UNION ALL
      SELECT BD.Name, BD.Cost3 UNION ALL
      SELECT BD.Name, BD.Cost4
    ) UNP([Name],[Cost])
    WHERE BD.ND_RID = 1;


    Name Cost
    ---- --------
    AAA 50.00
    AAA 25.10
    AAA 78.30
    AAA 167.00
    BBB 25.00
    BBB 18.00
    BBB 5.00
    BBB 120.00
    CCC 250.00
    CCC 200.00
    CCC 150.00
    CCC 60000.00

  • That will work for a small sample test data but there are over three thousands rows, that will be a lot of "Select ......... Union all" statements.

  • kd11 - Thursday, July 26, 2018 6:45 AM

    That will work for a small sample test data but there are over three thousands rows, that will be a lot of "Select ......... Union all" statements.

    He's just setting up your test data to use for demonstration purposes.  That's not a part of the solution to the problem. There are a lot of us that won't post a coded solution unless we've tested it. 

    Please see the article at the first link under "Helpful Links" in my signature line below for how to help us help you better and more quickly in the future.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • @kd11,
    Cursor or not? I vote not. There aren't many problems that can't be solved without using a cursor. Here's a solution using UNPIVOT.

    DECLARE @pvt table(sName char(3), sDate date, Cost1 smallmoney, Cost2 smallmoney, Cost3 smallmoney, Cost4 smallmoney);
    INSERT @pvt (sName, sDate, Cost1, Cost2, Cost3, Cost4)
    VALUES ('AAA', '2011-04-16',  Null,   5.00,    5.00,  12.00)
         , ('AAA', '2015-06-06',  Null,   Null,    Null,   NULL)
         , ('AAA', '2018-07-23', 50.00,  25.10,   78.30, 167.00)
         , ('BBB', '2010-01-01',  Null,   Null,    Null,   NULL)
         , ('BBB', '2018-07-23', 25.00,  18.00,    5.00, 120.00)
         , ('CCC', '2017-11-04',  Null,   Null,    Null,   NULL)
         , ('CCC', '2018-05-06',  Null,   Null,    Null,   NULL)
         , ('CCC', '2018-07-01', 250.0, 200.00,  150.00,  60000);
    WITH  MaxDateByName AS
       SELECT sName
            , sDate
            , Cost1
            , Cost2
            , Cost3
            , Cost4
            , Row_Number() OVER (PARTITION BY sName ORDER BY sDate DESC) Rn
       FROM @pvt
          UnPvt AS
       SELECT sName, sDate, Costs
       (SELECT MaxDateByName.sName
            , MaxDateByName.sDate
            , MaxDateByName.Cost1
            , MaxDateByName.Cost2
            , MaxDateByName.Cost3
            , MaxDateByName.Cost4
       FROM MaxDateByName
       WHERE MaxDateByName.Rn = 1) pvt
       UNPIVOT (Costs FOR Cost IN (Cost1, Cost2, Cost3, Cost4)) upvt
    SELECT UnPvt.sName
         , UnPvt.sDate
         , UnPvt.Costs
    FROM UnPvt;

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