Cursor Variable in EXEC Statement

  • I have a name field that I'm trying to retrieve the suffix (JR, SR) from. I have a table of valid suffixes that I want to loop through (yes, a cursor). I'm storing the manipulated data in a temp table. Once I get all the names into the temp table, I want to update a column (#SuffixedNames.SuffixStartPosition) with the starting position of the suffix I found.

    The problem is in the second cursor, which is highlighted below.

    FETCH FIRST FROM SuffixesCursor INTO @WhichSuffix

    WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0


    EXEC ('Update #SuffixedName SET SuffixStartPosition = CHARINDEX(@WhichSuffix, LastNameAdjusted)') FETCH NEXT FROM SuffixesCursor INTO @WhichSuffix


    The message I get is Must declare the scalar variable "@WhichSuffix". I understand it's a scope issue, but I'm at a loss how to make the fetched value available to the EXEC statement.

    If there's a better way to do this, that's fine too.



    Here's the complete code:

    DECLARE @WhichSuffix VARCHAR(10)

    DECLARE @ExecDeclare VARCHAR(100) =

    ' DECLARE @CursorSuffix VARCHAR(10) = @WhichSuffix'

    DECLARE @ExecInsert VARCHAR(100) =

    ' INSERT INTO #SuffixedNames ( SSN, LastName, LastNameAdjusted)'

    DECLARE @ExecSelect VARCHAR(100) =

    ' SELECT SSN, LastName, LastName'

    DECLARE @ExecFrom VARCHAR(100) =

    ' FROM PersonnelMaster pm'

    DECLARE @ExecWhere VARCHAR(100) =

    ' WHERE SSN NOT IN (SELECT SSN FROM #SuffixedNames) AND LastName LIKE ''%'

    DECLARE @ExecStatementFixed VARCHAR(500) =

    @ExecInsert + @ExecSelect + @ExecFrom + @ExecWhere

    DECLARE @ExecStatement VARCHAR(500)

    CREATE TABLE #SuffixedNames (


    SSN CHAR(9),

    LastName VARCHAR(35),

    LastNameAdjusted VARCHAR(35),

    Suffix VARCHAR(10),

    SuffixStartPosition TINYINT)



    FROM NameSuffixes ns


    LEN(Suffix) DESC

    INSERT INTO #SuffixedNames (


    LastName ,

    LastNameAdjusted )



    REPLACE(REPLACE(LastName, ',', ' '), '.', '') AS LastNameNoComma

    FROM PersonnelMaster pm

    WHERE LastName <> REPLACE(LastName, ',', ' ')

    AND LastName NOT LIKE '%Jus%'

    OPEN SuffixesCursor

    FETCH FIRST FROM SuffixesCursor INTO @WhichSuffix

    WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0


    SET @ExecStatement = @ExecStatementFixed + ' ' + @WhichSuffix + '%' + ''''

    EXEC ( @ExecStatement)

    FETCH NEXT FROM SuffixesCursor INTO @WhichSuffix


    CLOSE SuffixesCursor

    UPDATE #SuffixedNames

    SET LastNameAdjusted = REPLACE(REPLACE(LastNameAdjusted, ',', ' '), '.', '')

    OPEN SuffixesCursor

    FETCH FIRST FROM SuffixesCursor INTO @WhichSuffix

    WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0


    EXEC ('Update #SuffixedName SET SuffixStartPosition = CHARINDEX(@WhichSuffix, LastNameAdjusted)') FETCH NEXT FROM SuffixesCursor INTO @WhichSuffix


    CLOSE SuffixesCursor

    SELECT *

    FROM #SuffixedNames sn



    DEALLOCATE SuffixesCursor

    DROP TABLE #SuffixedNames

  • Cursors are bad, blah blah etc etc.

    Now that's over with, can you just build the string dynamically? Like this -

    FETCH FIRST FROM SuffixesCursor INTO @WhichSuffix

    WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0


    EXEC ('Update #SuffixedName SET SuffixStartPosition = CHARINDEX('+@WhichSuffix+', LastNameAdjusted)') FETCH NEXT FROM SuffixesCursor INTO @WhichSuffix


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  • That's exactly it. Thanks so much.


  • MattieNH (11/16/2011)

    I have a table of valid suffixes that I want to loop through (yes, a cursor).

    You really don't. There is nothing in your query that indicates that a cursor is required—or dynamic SQL for that matter. This can easily be rewritten to use a single update statement.

    You don't say what you want to do with names containing multiple suffixes, so I used the first one in the name.

    UPDATE sn

    SET LastNameAdjusted = Left(sn.LastName, ns.SuffixStartPosition - 1)

    , SuffixStartPosition = ns.SuffixStartPosition

    FROM #Suffixed_Name AS sn


    SELECT TOP (1) Code, CharIndex(', ' + Code + ', ', LastName + ', ') AS SuffixStartPosition

    FROM NameSuffixes

    ORDER BY SuffixStartPosition

    ) AS ns


    Edit to add a missing table alias.

    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • CELKO (11/16/2011)

    SQL is declarative, so we do this stuff in the DDL, not in fake mag tapes. The number of suffixes is constant and short, so put it in a CHECK() Constraint.

    I would disagree with this statement. While the list of common suffixes is relatively short, you have to allow for ALL suffixes, not just the common ones. The list of all suffixes is by no means short. Also, while the list of suffixes is fairly stable, it is not constant. You can now get certified as a web developer, a job that didn't exist not too long ago.

    Even something as seemingly simple as gender may not be as simple as it seems. Consider an organization that does genetic research. If they're doing cross-species studies a simple M/F dichotomy may not be enough. They may need to distinguish between F (XX), M(XY), F(WZ), and M(WW). They may also need to record certain kinds of trisomy such as XXX and XXY.

    In a completely different situation, a client was working with some transexuals and needed to record male-to-female and female-to-male.

    Putting these kinds of values in a table makes it much easier for the client to update the tables to meet their specific needs.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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