Cursor with INSERT

  • I don't have a connection to a DB to test it.

    Does the syntax look correct? Thanks.

    DECLARE confreghistcursor CURSOR


    SELECT r.createdbyname, r.pa_registrationsetupidname, @wksOut AS weeksOut , d.extendedAmount

    FROM eventregistration r

    INNER JOIN invoicedetail d

    ON r.pa_invoicedetailid=d.invoicedetailid

    WHERE r.pa_meetingsetupid=@pa_eventmeetingsetupid

    AND r.createdon BETWEEN DATEADD(WEEK,@wksOut,@pa_meetingstartdate) AND DATEADD(WEEK, @wksOut-1,@pa_meetingstartdate)

    OPEN confreghistcursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM confreghistcursor INTO @createdbyname, @registrationsetupidname, @weeksout, @extendedamount



    INSERT INTO war_ConferenceRegistations VALUES (@createdbyname, @registrationsetupidname, @weeksout, @extendedamount)


    CLOSE confreghistcursor

    DEALLOCATE confreghistcursor

  • Why are you using a cursor for this? It's a straightforward insert ... select

    This will do the same as your cursor and very likely much faster.

    INSERT INTO war_ConferenceRegistations

    SELECT r.createdbyname, r.pa_registrationsetupidname, @wksOut, d.extendedAmount

    FROM eventregistration r

    INNER JOIN invoicedetail d ON r.pa_invoicedetailid=d.invoicedetailid

    WHERE r.pa_meetingsetupid=@pa_eventmeetingsetupid

    AND r.createdon BETWEEN DATEADD(WEEK,@wksOut,@pa_meetingstartdate) AND DATEADD(WEEK, @wksOut-1,@pa_meetingstartdate)

    Just beware the upper bound on that between. Betweens are inclusive on both sides

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • I've read cursors are slow. It's not for a production type environment.

    I'm just trying to learn how to create cursors since I'm not familar with them.

    Honestly I'm not sure why someone would use a cursor. Need some good resources on learning more about them.

  • Ah, in that case, your syntax for the cursor is almost right, you just need another FETCH within the Begin.. end of the while loop.

    Pretty much the only thing I use cursors for are for admin tasks that have to be done one by one. Database backups, database consistency checks, index rebuilds, that kind of thing. They're also places where the overhead of the cursor becomes relatively insignificant against the time of the backup/index rebuild/etc.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • You are almost there very good first attempt. you are missing only one line.

    use follwoing template

    DECLARE confreghistcursor CURSOR



    OPEN confreghistcursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM confreghistcursor INTO @createdbyname, @registrationsetupidname, @weeksout, @extendedamount



    INSERT INTO war_ConferenceRegistations

    --------------- Missing statement

    FETCH NEXT FROM confreghistcursor INTO @createdbyname, @registrationsetupidname, @weeksout, @extendedamount

    --------------- Missing statement


    CLOSE confreghistcursor

    DEALLOCATE confreghistcursor

  • Thanks guys.

    I'm just curious why another fetch is needed. I tested your suggestion and it worked.

  • It is possible to do a cursor loop with only a single fetch:

    declare Cur_Cursor cursor local





    MyTable a

    order by


    open Cur_Cursor

    declare @MyData varchar(100)

    while 1=1


    fetch next from Cur_Cursor into @MyData

    if @@fetch_status 0 break

    /* rest of loop processing here */

    end --While end

    close Cur_Cursor

    deallocate Cur_Cursor

  • Iron Chef SQL (7/28/2009)

    I'm just curious why another fetch is needed. I tested your suggestion and it worked.

    There has to be a fetch inside the while loop to get the next row and the next and the next... Without one inside the loop, the while will run forever and repeatedly process the same row.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • OOOOH okay. that makes perfect sense now.

    I was thinking the first one was all I needed but it makes sense now because the second FETCH is inside the BEGIN END block.

    Is it possible to nest a cursor inside a cursor, if so why would anyone do so.

    Thanks again for educating me lol. 😀

  • Yes it is possible. I would not suggest it.

  • Iron Chef SQL (7/28/2009)

    Is it possible to nest a cursor inside a cursor,


    if so why would anyone do so.

    Good question...

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (7/27/2009)

    Ah, in that case, your syntax for the cursor is almost right, you just need another FETCH within the Begin.. end of the while loop.

    Pretty much the only thing I use cursors for are for admin tasks that have to be done one by one. Database backups, database consistency checks, index rebuilds, that kind of thing. They're also places where the overhead of the cursor becomes relatively insignificant against the time of the backup/index rebuild/etc.

    Consistency checks and index rebuilds I'd agree with... but apparently executing multiple backups seperated by ;'s will work too 🙂

    --Mark Tassin
    MCITP - SQL Server DBA
    Proud member of the Anti-RBAR alliance.
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  • mtassin (7/28/2009)

    Consistency checks and index rebuilds I'd agree with... but apparently executing multiple backups seperated by ;'s will work too 🙂

    Depends how much logic you're building into your backup routine.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Pretty Neat 😎

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_CONF_reg_historicals



    Today's secret ingredient: Cursors




    DECLARE @pa_eventmeetingsetupid NVARCHAR(38)

    DECLARE @pa_eventidname NVARCHAR(55)

    DECLARE @pa_meetingstartdate DATETIME


    DECLARE @createdbyname NVARCHAR(55)

    DECLARE @registrationsetupidname NVARCHAR(55)

    DECLARE @extendedamount MONEY

    DELETE FROM ironchef_database_user.dbo.war_ConferenceRegistrations

    -- meetings

    DECLARE eventCursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT /*TOP 3*/ pa_eventmeetingsetupid,pa_eventidname, pa_meetingstartdate

    FROM ironchef_database.dbo.FilteredPA_EventMeetingSetup

    WHERE ironchef_broadcategory 2

    OPEN eventCursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM eventCursor INTO @pa_eventmeetingsetupid, @pa_eventidname , @pa_meetingstartdate



    PRINT @pa_eventidname

    -- 12 weeks


    SELECT ct

    FROM ironchef_database_user.dbo.user_countTo52

    WHERE ct <=12

    ORDER BY ct

    OPEN wkOutCursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM wkOutCursor into @CT



    -- get week out data

    PRINT ' weeks out ' + cast(@ct as nvarchar(5))

    DECLARE confreghistcursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT r.createdbyname, r.pa_registrationsetupidname, @CT AS weeksOut , d.extendedAmount

    FROM ironchef_database.dbo.FilteredPA_EventRegistration r

    INNER JOIN ironchef_database.dbo.FilteredInvoiceDetail d

    ON r.pa_invoicedetailid=d.invoicedetailid

    WHERE r.pa_meetingsetupid=@pa_eventmeetingsetupid

    AND r.createdon BETWEEN DATEADD(WEEK,-@ct,@pa_meetingstartdate) AND DATEADD(WEEK, -@ct+1,@pa_meetingstartdate)

    OPEN confreghistcursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM confreghistcursor INTO @createdbyname, @registrationsetupidname, @CT, @extendedamount



    PRINT @pa_eventidname + ' ' + @registrationsetupidname

    INSERT INTO ironchef_database_user.dbo.war_ConferenceRegistrations VALUES (@pa_eventmeetingsetupid, @pa_eventidname, @createdbyname, @registrationsetupidname, @CT, @extendedamount)

    FETCH NEXT FROM confreghistcursor INTO @createdbyname, @registrationsetupidname, @CT, @extendedamount


    CLOSE confreghistcursor

    DEALLOCATE confreghistcursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM wkOutCursor into @CT


    CLOSE wkOutCursor

    DEALLOCATE wkOutCursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM eventCursor INTO @pa_eventmeetingsetupid, @pa_eventidname , @pa_meetingstartdate


    CLOSE eventCursor

    DEALLOCATE eventCursor


  • how did you insert that white box with the sql code?

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