Custom parameter controls?

  • Yet another question about this. Are there any 3rd-party apps that let you customize the SSRS parameter area, when the report is run from a browser? I thought I saw one on a webpage during a search yesterday but can't find it again. Googling on likely search terms doesn't find much. For example, I'd love to have something that narrows down the available values as you type, to avoid a 4000-item dropdown list....

  • How are you populating the 4000 item drop down list? A query perhaps?

    Why not restrict the values returned from the query? Alternatively, you could build a custom front end in which you could use whatever means you need to in order to gather the parameters and then pass them via the URL.

    OR, you could Hack the aspx and css files that Reporting services uses, though of course any patches or service packs might break such customizations.


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  • I don't want to build a custom front end or hack the aspx/css. I'm hoping there's an app that sits on top of the parameter area that would give me better control over the layout & presentation.

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