Custom Sequence Numbering

  • The added complexity is because my procedure always adjusts the sequence number so that it is continuous and zero based.


    While it is true that your routine does this, it seems to me more proper to put that aspect of your code into the Delete routine instead of renumbering everything every time you change the priority on one task.



  • James,

    I would agree that maybe the delete routine would be a better place for the zero re-numbering and that this does over-complicate the routine somewhat.


    MCM [@TheSQLPimp]

  • Cool solution for custom sequences. If you don't have immediate application needs, you could just wait for Denali (SQL 11) to go RTM and use the new Sequence Object natively in SQL Server ...

  • Oh I'm looking forward to that! Currently looking into the new datetimeoffset data type in 2008 to replace my "convert to local date via a utc hour and minute offset lookup table" function! Looks to be the way forward if you deal with data from multiple time zones. I feel amother article coming on this once I've looked into the pros and cons - as let's face it, there are always some cons! Ever tried using the xml nodes method with a very large xml blob? Not good, the old prepare doc and openxml method is way faster but you only find these things out from testing.

    Thanks again for the supportive comments.

    Cheers, James

    MCM [@TheSQLPimp]

  • I have used a similar procedure to move records in a sequence. I won't repeat the table setup, but I need to point out that I used "1" as the starting value rather than "0" because people normally think of the top item as "1". Here is the procedure I use, formatted to work with the table in the sample.

    The procedure allow the caller to specifiy either a direction ("TOP", "UP", "DOWN", or "BOTTOM") or a specific sequence number (move item x to sequence number 5).



    IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('ToDoItemMoveRecord'), 'IsProcedure') = 1


    PROC ToDoItemMoveRecord



    PROC ToDoItemMoveRecord


    @Direction VARCHAR(10) = NULL,

    @NewSortSeq TINYINT = NULL




    DECLARE @ErrNum INTEGER, @ErrDesc VARCHAR(2000),

    @ErrRows INTEGER, @ErrSeverity INTEGER,

    @CurrentSeq TINYINT, @MaxSeq TINYINT,

    @StartSeq TINYINT, @EndSeq TINYINT,

    @PersonID INTEGER


    --<logic>Verify the parameters.</logic>

    SET @Direction = UPPER(@Direction)

    IF @NewSortSeq IS NULL

    AND @Direction IS NULL

    RAISERROR('Please specify either a new SortSeq or a Direction to move.', 16, 1)

    IF @NewSortSeq IS NOT NULL

    AND @Direction IS NOT NULL

    RAISERROR('Please specify either a new SortSeq or a Direction to move, but not both.', 16, 1)

    --<logic>Locate the current values from the table.</logic>

    SET @PersonID =

    (SELECT PersonID FROM ToDoList WHERE ToDoID = @ToDoID)

    SET @CurrentSeq =

    (SELECT todoSequence FROM ToDoList WHERE ToDoID = @ToDoID)

    SET @MaxSeq =

    (SELECT MAX(todoSequence) FROM ToDoList WHERE PersonID = @PersonID)

    --<logic>If the new sort sequence is provided, determine the direction of the move.</logic>

    IF @NewSortSeq IS NOT NULL

    BEGIN -- Specific sort

    IF @NewSortSeq < 1


    RAISERROR('The requested sort sequence cannot be less than 1.', 16, 1)


    ELSE IF @NewSortSeq > @MaxSeq


    RAISERROR('The requested sort sequence cannot be more than the current maximum in the table.', 16, 1)


    ELSE IF @NewSortSeq = 1


    SET @Direction = 'TOP'

    SET @StartSeq = @NewSortSeq

    SET @EndSeq = @CurrentSeq


    ELSE IF @NewSortSeq < @CurrentSeq


    SET @Direction = 'UP'

    SET @StartSeq = @NewSortSeq

    SET @EndSeq = @CurrentSeq


    ELSE IF @NewSortSeq = @MaxSeq


    SET @Direction = 'BOTTOM'

    SET @StartSeq = @CurrentSeq

    SET @EndSeq = @NewSortSeq


    ELSE IF @NewSortSeq > @CurrentSeq


    SET @Direction = 'DOWN'

    SET @StartSeq = @CurrentSeq

    SET @EndSeq = @NewSortSeq




    RAISERROR('The necessary move could not be determined.', 16, 1)


    END -- Specific sort

    --<logic>If a move direction is requested, determine the new sort sequence.</logic>


    BEGIN -- Direction requested

    IF @Direction = 'TOP'


    SET @StartSeq = 1

    SET @EndSeq = @CurrentSeq

    SET @NewSortSeq = @StartSeq


    ELSE IF @Direction = 'UP'


    SET @StartSeq = @CurrentSeq - 1

    SET @EndSeq = @CurrentSeq

    SET @NewSortSeq = @StartSeq


    ELSE IF @Direction = 'DOWN'


    SET @StartSeq = @CurrentSeq

    SET @EndSeq = @CurrentSeq + 1

    SET @NewSortSeq = @EndSeq


    ELSE IF @Direction = 'BOTTOM'


    SET @StartSeq = @CurrentSeq

    SET @EndSeq = @MaxSeq

    SET @NewSortSeq = @EndSeq


    END -- Direction requested

    --<logic>Check to be sure the requested move can be made; raise an error if it cannot.</logic>

    IF @NewSortSeq IS NULL

    BEGIN -- Invalid record

    RAISERROR('Record not found.', 16, 1)

    END -- Invalid record

    IF @CurrentSeq = 1 AND @Direction IN ('UP', 'TOP')

    BEGIN -- Invalid record

    RAISERROR('The record is currently at the top and cannot move up.', 16, 1)

    END -- Invalid record

    IF @CurrentSeq = @MaxSeq AND @Direction IN ('DOWN', 'BOTTOM')

    BEGIN -- Invalid record

    RAISERROR('The record is currently at the bottom and cannot move down.', 16, 1)

    END -- Invalid record

    IF @NewSortSeq = @CurrentSeq

    BEGIN -- Invalid record

    RAISERROR('The record is currently at the requested position and cannot be moved.', 16, 1)

    END -- Invalid record

    /* -- Testing

    select @Direction AS '@Direction',

    @NewSortSeq AS '@NewSortSeq',

    @Currentseq AS '@CurrentSeq',

    @MaxSeq AS '@MaxSeq',

    @StartSeq AS '@StartSeq',

    @EndSeq AS '@EndSeq'


    --<logic> - Move the necessary records.</logic>

    UPDATE ToDoList

    SET todoSequence = CASE

    WHEN todoSequence = @CurrentSeq THEN @NewSortSeq

    WHEN @Direction IN ('TOP', 'UP') THEN todoSequence + 1

    WHEN @Direction IN ('DOWN', 'BOTTOM') THEN todoSequence - 1

    ELSE NULL END -- Null is used so that an error will occur if the three cases above are not valid.

    WHERE todoSequence BETWEEN @StartSeq AND @EndSeq



    SET @ErrNum = ERROR_NUMBER() -- Needed for return value

    SET @ErrSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY() -- Needed to bubble up the same severity

    SET @ErrDesc = dbo.FormatErrDesc()

    GOTO NonTranError




    RAISERROR (@ErrDesc, @ErrSeverity, 1)

    RETURN @ErrNum -- Return the error number


    GRANT EXECUTE ON ToDoItemMoveRecord TO Public


  • James,

    I really liked this article. I especially appreciated how you spelled out the logic in text. Many articles make you puzzle it out in the code. Thank you.


  • I think I used zero as the starting sequence due to all the C# programming I have been doing lately - and the hardened C# community would surely spit on anyone starting a sequence or array with 1 - the mere thought of it!!! 😉

    After reading the forum I do have started to come to the conclusion that my procedure was maybe overkill in the terms of the scope of what it was trying to do - i.e. both moving the record to the desired position and renumbering the whole sequence in the same process. I am now of a mind to do the gap removal and resequencing to zero in the delete procedure and then change the proc to be more like yours and another one that was posted.

    I don't have as much validation logic in as yours though, as when I last implemented this the front-end code took care of that. Nice proc though, rare nowadays to see such good error checking! Thanks for taking the time to read the article.

    MCM [@TheSQLPimp]

  • Thank you Amy and apologies for the initial typo (which has now been corrected). I have learned a lot about the article writing style from the comments and the whole process has been beneficial for me. I have another one published on Thursday showing how to auto-generate stored procedures and I have triple-checked the attached code to make sure it is 100% correct!

    Again, thanks for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it.

    MCM [@TheSQLPimp]

  • fahey.jonathan (2/8/2011)

    I have used a similar procedure to move records in a sequence....

    Jonathan's code (above) made sense to me. But I couldn't really figure out what was going on in the original article's case statement. 🙁 It makes sense conceptually, but the specifics of the code were too funky for me to parse. Partly this is because I'm new to this stuff, but also partly because the Jonathan's code is so much more nicely formatted and easy to reconcile. I'd humbly request that the article author reformat his code so it's more readable.

    And also, please note that as of the time of this posting, the incorrect column name ("todoGroup") is still specified in the original article.

    "If I had been drinking out of that toilet, I might have been killed." -Ace Ventura

  • Unfortunately the funky code is very efficient. The problem with stored procedures with a lot of IF statements in is that they do not cache well, as the compiler stores a different plan each time a new path is followed, making for poor reuse. The code is complicated to make it efficient. Apolgies if it is hard to follow. I will change the typo as soon as I can.

    Cheers, James

    MCM [@TheSQLPimp]

  • The original code updates every record for the person, irrespective of whether it changes or not. I think updating only the rows that change makes up for any inefficiency with an "IF" statement.

    I put the two procedures in the database and looked at the execution plans. It is not always an accurate reflection of execution time, I know, but it does provide very useful information. The original procedure was expected to take 66% of the time and the revised procedure was expected to take 34%. The compiler seems to think the "IF" statements are not a significant detriment.

    I have one other thing to note. The original procedure accepts as parameters both the PersonID and the ToDoID. The PersonID is dependent on the ToDoID, so either the procedure should not accept the PersonID as a parameter and just look it up, or it should validate that the PersonID passed was the correct PersonID for the ToDoID.

  • Again, this is because my procedure also removes gaps in the sequence, hence why it updates all the records. If you try my procedure with different parameters and look at the cache hits it will always hit, whereas the other one will recompile for different parameters combinations. As I stated in an earlier post, I will remove the resequencing to remove gaps and restate at zero into the delete routine, enabling my procedure to also work on a range and drop drastically in complexity. Apologies if you have not read back this far. My procedure suffered by being to all-encapsulating, as if you had a broken sequence due to deletes of say 1,5,7,11,13, mine would set this back to 0,1,2,3,4, whereas the others wouldn't - hence why it is complex and hence why it updates all records.

    Cheers, james

    MCM [@TheSQLPimp]

  • Apolgies, didn't answer the todoid and personid question. I'd expect the business/application layer to do this, as if the application was passing me a todoid for the wrong personid then I'd be very concerned. Some business logic in the database layer is good but validation such as this should be done at a higher level. Same goes for "this is already the first one" etc.

    Cheers, James

    MCM [@TheSQLPimp]

  • thanks for the article.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Thank you. It was a great learning experience for me in terms of writing style and content. All the feedback was beneficial and my future articles will surely improve as a result!

    Cheers, James

    MCM [@TheSQLPimp]

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