Customer Service

  • Steve, you just did what all of us cube dwellers aren't allowed to do.  And I think that "don't come back" is much more polite than "Your father was a hamster, and your mother smelled of elderberries."

    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.
  • BTW, I did receive an apology from the President of the company today.

    That was nice, although someone posted a rude comment in his guest book. Please refrain from doing something like that.

  • Hey - "freedom of speech" remember ?!?! I have no idea who posted the rude comment but he/she is just exercising his/her right!!!

    btw - are you going to post the "less than pleasant" response - so we can consider this editorial complete and closed ?!?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • I didn't do it.

  • Maybe you can qualifiy for Mike of "Dirty Jobs" (Discovery Channel) to come handle the filth for you...

    He is good at dealing with cr!p in a nice way

  • did I miss this all day long? 

    I think sushila hit it on the head by saying that people are much more likely to attack you via an impersonal e-mail than they would face to face.  However, eventually you will run into people that have the gall to be that rude to you in person and when you do, watch out! 

    Steve, I definitely empathize with you and the (very) few times I felt compelled to use strong language with someone I usually feel badly about it afterwards.  The only thing I can say is that most often, the offending person is worthy of much worse and would normally get it if they weren't dealing with people who preferred to tactful.

    One of my life rules is to be nice whenever you can.  It doesn't cost anything and will usually will defuse even the worst situation.  Unfortunately when that doesn't work, sometimes strong language is the only thing that will get the attention of some people.

    There.  Now, GPF can I have and sswords sucks too please?  Thanks. 



    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  • This mind intentionally left blank

  • Hello Steve,

    First of all I want to let you know that I am a regular reader and user of SQLServerCentral, I look forward to the newsletters and appreciate all the efforts you and the team put in. I have learnt a lot from the articles and have been saved many a times when in distress! I believe you guys and gals are doing a great job.

    I am responding to the Customer Service Editorial from the 2/3/2006 newsletter. I share your views on the matter and also agree that it is important to be polite and respectful while corresponding or communicating with anyone at a personal or professional level.

    The main problem here seems that Aaron was unable to register successfully or send emails, which I beleive could have been due to a cookie being blocked....I have experienced this problem sometime myself and all I do it clear my cookies and ensure that they are not blocked! Coming from a guy at a tech company it is more like an oxymoron - "Hey, I work at a tech company - but I don't know why my form doesn't submit!!"


    Shetal Patel


  • Can't add much, but to say I like sqlservercentral, and usually read your column. Good job, keep it going. What goes around, comes around.

    Kindest Regards,

    The art of doing mathematics consists in finding that special case which contains all the germs of generality.

  • I think the offending emails should have been forwarded to the appropriate person(s).  It's bad form to post someone’s email in a professional newsletter.   While I don’t condone the content of the emails; it could have been handled professionally.



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