Data and Log Space Alerts

  • Looking for a short article on setting up an alert in SQL Agent that pings someone when a data file reaches 80% full (or a log file). Short example, walk them through in SSMS and/or T-SQL

  • Close to what you need?

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#dbs') > 0

    DROP TABLE #dbs

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Drives') > 0

    DROP TABLE #Drives

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Results') > 0

    DROP TABLE #Results



    DBNAME sysname

    , DBID INT

    , [Total Size in MB] INT

    , [Available Space In MB] INT

    , DriveLetter CHAR(1)






    , DBID

    , [Total Size in MB]

    , [Available Space In MB]

    , DriveLetter


    EXEC sp_MSforeachdb '

    USE [?];



    , DB_ID() AS DBID

    , SUM(size / 128) AS ''Total Size in MB''

    , SUM(size / 128 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name , ''SpaceUsed'') AS int) / 128) AS ''Available Space In MB''

    , LEFT(physical_name, 1) AS DriveLetter




    type_desc = ''ROWS''

    GROUP BY LEFT(physical_name, 1) '

    CREATE TABLE #Drives



    , FreeMBs INT NOT NULL

    , FreeGBs AS CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 2) , FreeMBs / 1024.0)



    #Drives ( DriverLetter , FreeMBs )

    EXEC xp_fixeddrives



    -- DB_NAME() As DBNAME

    -- , DB_ID() AS DBID

    -- , SUM(size / 128) AS 'Total Size in MB'

    -- , SUM(size / 128 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name , 'SpaceUsed') AS int) / 128) AS 'Available Space In MB'


    -- sys.database_files


    -- type_desc = 'ROWS'

    --Rémi : I deleted 4 logging tables I had build on March 25th, hence the ±350 MB drop.


    WITH CTE_Backups ( database_name, BackupDate, MinutesForBackup, GB_backup_size, seqFirst, seqLast )

    AS (



    , DATEADD(D , 0 , DATEDIFF(D , 0 , bs.backup_start_date)) AS BackupDate

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 1) , DATEDIFF(s , bs.backup_start_date ,


    / 60.0) AS MinutesForBackup

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , bs.backup_size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) AS GB_backup_size

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY bs.database_name ORDER BY bs.backup_start_date ) AS seqFirst

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY bs.database_name ORDER BY bs.backup_start_date DESC ) AS seqLast


    msdb.dbo.backupset bs


    name IS NULL

    AND bs.[type] = 'D'



    CONVERT(INT , dtBackups.[Available Space In GB]

    / CASE WHEN dtBackups.GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth <> 0

    THEN dtBackups.GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth

    ELSE 0.0001

    END) AS DaysUntillDBGrowth

    , *

    -- INTO

    -- #Results





    , dbs.DriveLetter

    , drv.FreeGBs AS FreeGBs_Drive

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 1) , ( drv.FreeGBs * 0.85 )

    / CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , ( b.GB_backup_size - a.GB_backup_size )

    / DATEDIFF(dd , a.BackupDate , b.BackupDate) * 30.468)) AS FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth

    , a.BackupDate AS BackupDate_First

    , b.BackupDate AS BackupDate_Last

    , DATEDIFF(dd , a.BackupDate , b.BackupDate) AS DaysPeriod

    , a.MinutesForBackup AS MinutesForBackup_First

    , b.MinutesForBackup AS MinutesForBackup_Last

    , b.MinutesForBackup - a.MinutesForBackup AS MinutesForBackup_Delta

    , a.GB_backup_size AS GB_backup_size_First

    , b.GB_backup_size AS GB_backup_size_Last

    , b.GB_backup_size - a.GB_backup_size AS GB_BackupGrowth

    --, a.seqLast - a.seqFirst AS QtyofBackups

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , ( b.GB_backup_size - a.GB_backup_size )

    / DATEDIFF(dd , a.BackupDate , b.BackupDate)) AS GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , ( b.GB_backup_size - a.GB_backup_size )

    / DATEDIFF(dd , a.BackupDate , b.BackupDate) * 365.256) AS GB_ExpectedAnnualGrowth

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , dbs.[Total Size in MB] / 1024.0) AS [Total Size in GB]

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , dbs.[Available Space In MB] / 1024.0) AS [Available Space In GB]


    CTE_Backups a

    INNER JOIN CTE_Backups b

    ON a.seqFirst = b.seqLast

    AND a.seqLast = b.seqFirst

    AND a.database_name = b.database_name

    INNER JOIN #dbs dbs

    ON b.database_name = dbs.DBNAME

    INNER JOIN #Drives drv

    ON dbs.DriveLetter = drv.DriverLetter


    a.seqFirst = 1

    AND a.seqFirst < a.seqLast

    ) dtBackups





    -- *

    -- FROM

    -- #Results R

    -- WHERE

    -- R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth >= 0 AND R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth < 1

    -- OR R.DaysUntillDBGrowth >= 0 AND R.DaysUntillDBGrowth <= 30 )

    -- BEGIN


    -- dbo.RPT_Space_Warnings

    -- (

    -- [DaysUntillDBGrowth]

    -- , [Warning_Description]

    -- , [database_name]

    -- , [DriveLetter]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth]

    -- , [BackupDate_First]

    -- , [BackupDate_Last]

    -- , [DaysPeriod]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_First]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Last]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Delta]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_First]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_Last]

    -- , [GB_BackupGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedAnnualGrowth]

    -- , [Total Size in GB]

    -- , [Available Space In GB]

    -- )

    -- SELECT

    -- [DaysUntillDBGrowth]

    -- , CASE WHEN R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth < 1 THEN 'HD IS FULL' ELSE 'AUTOGROWTH WARNING' END AS Warning_Description

    -- , [database_name]

    -- , [DriveLetter]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth]

    -- , [BackupDate_First]

    -- , [BackupDate_Last]

    -- , [DaysPeriod]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_First]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Last]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Delta]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_First]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_Last]

    -- , [GB_BackupGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedAnnualGrowth]

    -- , [Total Size in GB]

    -- , [Available Space In GB]

    -- FROM

    -- #Results R

    -- WHERE

    -- R.DaysUntillDBGrowth >= 0 AND R.DaysUntillDBGrowth <= 30

    -- UNION ALL -- I want to see 2 warnings in the same day when it's the case... those are the really critical events.

    -- SELECT

    -- [DaysUntillDBGrowth]

    -- , CASE WHEN R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth < 1 THEN 'HD IS FULL_' ELSE 'AUTOGROWTH WARNING_' END AS Warning_Description

    -- , [database_name]

    -- , [DriveLetter]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth]

    -- , [BackupDate_First]

    -- , [BackupDate_Last]

    -- , [DaysPeriod]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_First]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Last]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Delta]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_First]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_Last]

    -- , [GB_BackupGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedAnnualGrowth]

    -- , [Total Size in GB]

    -- , [Available Space In GB]

    -- FROM

    -- #Results R

    -- WHERE

    -- R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth >= 0 AND R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth <= 1

    -- END


    --IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#dbs') > 0

    -- DROP TABLE #dbs


    --IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Drives') > 0

    -- DROP TABLE #Drives


    --IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Results') > 0

    -- DROP TABLE #Results



  • I can do the article if Ninja's solution isn't what you're looking.

    Sacramento SQL Server users group -
    Follow me on Twitter - @SQLDCH

    Yeah, well...The Dude abides.
  • That isn't an article, and I'm looking to use the alerts that are built into SQL Server. It's more about alerts than space, and it's to put the content out there for beginners.

  • ok, I had left out the job part of it but if this is too much, I'll let it go.

  • SQLDCH (5/11/2011)

    I can do the article if Ninja's solution isn't what you're looking.

    It looks like you're on! 🙂

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Yup...

  • I'm on it, thanks dudes.

    Sacramento SQL Server users group -
    Follow me on Twitter - @SQLDCH

    Yeah, well...The Dude abides.
  • My apologies, this fell through the cracks. It's back on the radar again, will have something soon.

    Sacramento SQL Server users group -
    Follow me on Twitter - @SQLDCH

    Yeah, well...The Dude abides.
  • Hey, hope I am not stepping on anyone's toes here.

    I have been looking into setting this up, so documented my steps and submitted an article.

    It is my 1st, so please be gentle. 🙂

    Hope it is along the lines of what you were looking for.


  • Thanks, we'll take a look in a week or so. No one's submitted one yet.

  • I snooze, I lose!

    I'm just glad it got written. Take all the feedback with an open mind, it'll only make you better in the long run.

    Sacramento SQL Server users group -
    Follow me on Twitter - @SQLDCH

    Yeah, well...The Dude abides.
  • simonrichards74 (4/10/2012)

    Hey, hope I am not stepping on anyone's toes here.

    I have been looking into setting this up, so documented my steps and submitted an article.

    It is my 1st, so please be gentle. 🙂

    Hope it is along the lines of what you were looking for.


    I'd be happy to review what you have if you'd like to forward it as a WORD (2003 or less, please) document.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Jeff Moden (4/10/2012)

    simonrichards74 (4/10/2012)

    Hey, hope I am not stepping on anyone's toes here.

    I have been looking into setting this up, so documented my steps and submitted an article.

    It is my 1st, so please be gentle. 🙂

    Hope it is along the lines of what you were looking for.


    I'd be happy to review what you have if you'd like to forward it as a WORD (2003 or less, please) document.

    Thanks Jeff, I have dropped you a PM, any advice / critique / recommendations greatly appreciated.

  • SQLDCH (4/10/2012)

    I snooze, I lose!

    I'm just glad it got written. Take all the feedback with an open mind, it'll only make you better in the long run.

    Thanks, I will welcome any constructive criticism with open arms, Happy to take help where I can.


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

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