Data arrangement - columns to rows in a specific way

  • Just to let you know that the image is not showing here on the thread.

  • CodeID TypeID Name Order GroupId

    977621000006111 1 DTaP/IPV/Hib 1 1

    977631000006114 1 DTaP/IPV/Hib 2 1

    977641000006116 1 DTaP/IPV/Hib 3 1

    1540611000006110 6 DTaP/IPV pre-school booster 4 1

    977661000006117 8 dTaP/IPV 5 1

    405281000000118 2 PCV 1 2

    405301000000117 2 PCV 2 2

    405321000000114 2 PCV 3 2

    458773016 4 MenC 1 3

    407721000000118 5 Hib/Men C booster 4 3

    714211000006114 3 MMR 1 4

    264268018 3 MMR 2 4

    2244981000000119 7 Rotavirus 1 5

    2245021000000115 7 Rotavirus 2 5

    Output must be:

    Name CodeId CodeId CodeId

    DTaP/IPV/Hib 977621000006111 977631000006114 977641000006116

    PCV 405281000000118 405301000000117 405321000000114

    MenC 458773016 407721000000118 null

    MMR 714211000006114 264268018 null

    Rotavirus 2244981000000119 2245021000000115 null

    DTaP/IPV pre-school booster 1540611000006110 null null

    Hib/Men C booster 407721000000118 null null

  • I want the output in such a way that

    if the name has codeid for order - 1,2 and 3, i need the codeid for order-1 in the first column, the codeid for order-2 in the 2nd column and the codeid for order-3 in the 3rd column in a single row in the output

    if the name has codeid for order - 1,2, then i need the codeid for order-1 in the first column, the codeid for order-2 in the 2nd column and null in the 3rd column in a single row in the output

    if the name has order -4 then i need it in a separate row with codeid for order-4 in the first column, null in the 2nd column and null in the 3rd column in a single row in the output

    if the name has order -5 then i need it in a separate row with codeid for order-5 in the first column, null in the 2nd column and null in the 3rd column in a single row in the output

    Please help

  • Anju Renjith (3/23/2015)

    CodeID TypeID Name Order GroupId

    977621000006111 1 DTaP/IPV/Hib 1 1

    977631000006114 1 DTaP/IPV/Hib 2 1

    977641000006116 1 DTaP/IPV/Hib 3 1

    1540611000006110 6 DTaP/IPV pre-school booster 4 1

    977661000006117 8 dTaP/IPV 5 1

    405281000000118 2 PCV 1 2

    405301000000117 2 PCV 2 2

    405321000000114 2 PCV 3 2

    458773016 4 MenC 1 3

    407721000000118 5 Hib/Men C booster 4 3

    714211000006114 3 MMR 1 4

    264268018 3 MMR 2 4

    2244981000000119 7 Rotavirus 1 5

    2245021000000115 7 Rotavirus 2 5

    Output must be:

    Name CodeId CodeId CodeId

    DTaP/IPV/Hib 977621000006111 977631000006114 977641000006116

    PCV 405281000000118 405301000000117 405321000000114

    MenC 458773016 407721000000118 null

    MMR 714211000006114 264268018 null

    Rotavirus 2244981000000119 2245021000000115 null

    DTaP/IPV pre-school booster 1540611000006110 null null

    Hib/Men C booster 407721000000118 null null

    If you can, set this up as ddl (CREATE TABLE) and dml (INSERT...). Folks will be able to run queries against it straight away.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • As Chris in the above post suggested that you will get much quicker response if you supply with create table code too.

    Here is the code, which I have done, as this is my first ever response here on this forum:

    Table create code:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.tblTest1



    [TypeID] INT NULL,

    [Name] [VARCHAR] (30) NULL,

    [Order] INT NULL,

    [GroupId] INT NULL


    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblTest1]

    ( [CodeID], [TypeID], [Name], [Order], [GroupId] )

    VALUES ( 977621000006111, 1, 'DTaP/IPV/Hib', 1, 1 )

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblTest1]

    ( [CodeID], [TypeID], [Name], [Order], [GroupId] )

    VALUES ( 977631000006114, 1, 'DTaP/IPV/Hib', 2, 1 )

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblTest1]

    ( [CodeID], [TypeID], [Name], [Order], [GroupId] )

    VALUES ( 977641000006116, 1, 'DTaP/IPV/Hib', 3, 1 )

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblTest1]

    ( [CodeID], [TypeID], [Name], [Order], [GroupId] )

    VALUES ( 1540611000006110, 6, 'DTaP/IPV pre-school booster', 4, 1)

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblTest1]

    ( [CodeID], [TypeID], [Name], [Order], [GroupId] )

    VALUES ( 977661000006117, 8, 'dTaP/IPV', 5, 1 )

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblTest1]

    ( [CodeID], [TypeID], [Name], [Order], [GroupId] )

    VALUES ( 405281000000118, 2, 'PCV', 1, 2 )

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblTest1]

    ( [CodeID], [TypeID], [Name], [Order], [GroupId] )

    VALUES ( 405301000000117, 2, 'PCV', 2, 2 )

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblTest1]

    ( [CodeID], [TypeID], [Name], [Order], [GroupId] )

    VALUES ( 405321000000114, 2, 'PCV', 3, 2 )

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblTest1]

    ( [CodeID], [TypeID], [Name], [Order], [GroupId] )

    VALUES ( 458773016, 4, 'MenC', 1, 3 )

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblTest1]

    ( [CodeID], [TypeID], [Name], [Order], [GroupId] )

    VALUES ( 407721000000118, 5, 'Hib/Men C booster', 4, 3 )

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblTest1]

    ( [CodeID], [TypeID], [Name], [Order], [GroupId] )

    VALUES ( 714211000006114, 3, 'MMR', 1, 4 )

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblTest1]

    ( [CodeID], [TypeID], [Name], [Order], [GroupId] )

    VALUES ( 264268018, 3, 'NMR', 2, 4 )

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblTest1]

    ( [CodeID], [TypeID], [Name], [Order], [GroupId] )

    VALUES ( 2244981000000119, 7, 'Rotavirus', 1, 5 )

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblTest1]

    ( [CodeID], [TypeID], [Name], [Order], [GroupId] )

    VALUES ( 2245021000000115, 7, 'Rotavirus', 2, 5 )

    Code for expected result:

    SELECT Name,

    [1] AS CodeId1,

    [2] AS CodeId2,

    [3] AS CodeId3,

    [4] AS CodeId4,

    [5] AS CodIde5

    FROM (

    SELECT Name,



    FROM [dbo].[tblTest1]

    )AS up

    PIVOT (SUM(CodeID) FOR [Order] IN ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5])) AS PVT


    Name CodeId1 CodeId2 CodeId3 CodeId4 CodIde5

    ------------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------

    dTaP/IPV NULL NULL NULL NULL 977661000006117

    DTaP/IPV pre-school booster NULL NULL NULL 1540611000006110 NULL

    DTaP/IPV/Hib 977621000006111 977631000006114 977641000006116 NULL NULL

    Hib/Men C booster NULL NULL NULL 407721000000118 NULL

    MenC 458773016 NULL NULL NULL NULL

    MMR 714211000006114 NULL NULL NULL NULL


    PCV 405281000000118 405301000000117 405321000000114 NULL NULL

    Rotavirus 2244981000000119 2245021000000115 NULL NULL NULL

  • Thanks for all the responses..

    I get the data from 3 different tables. I used case when to get the result as needed. It works fine as expected.

    My query is :

    select CourseName,max(FirstCode),max(SecondCode),max(ThirdCode),CourseTypeId



    select ct.CourseName,ct.CourseTypeId,

    case when GroupOrder <>2 and GroupOrder <> 3 then si.CodeId end as FirstCode,

    case when GroupOrder = 2 then si.CodeId end as SecondCode,

    case when GroupOrder = 3 then si.CodeId end as ThirdCode

    from VaccsAndImms.ScheduleItem si

    inner join VaccsAndImms.ScheduleItemGroup sg

    on si.ScheduleItemGroupId= sg.ScheduleItemGroupId

    inner join VaccsAndImms.CourseType ct

    on ct.CourseTypeId =si.CourseTypeId


    group by CourseName,CourseTypeId

    order by CourseTypeId

  • and your question is?

    Anju Renjith (3/23/2015)

    Thanks for all the responses..

    I get the data from 3 different tables. I used case when to get the result as needed. It works fine as expected.

    My query is :

    select CourseName,max(FirstCode),max(SecondCode),max(ThirdCode),CourseTypeId



    select ct.CourseName,ct.CourseTypeId,

    case when GroupOrder <>2 and GroupOrder <> 3 then si.CodeId end as FirstCode,

    case when GroupOrder = 2 then si.CodeId end as SecondCode,

    case when GroupOrder = 3 then si.CodeId end as ThirdCode

    from VaccsAndImms.ScheduleItem si

    inner join VaccsAndImms.ScheduleItemGroup sg

    on si.ScheduleItemGroupId= sg.ScheduleItemGroupId

    inner join VaccsAndImms.CourseType ct

    on ct.CourseTypeId =si.CourseTypeId


    group by CourseName,CourseTypeId

    order by CourseTypeId

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