Data Conversion Task - Capture which column failed

  • I'm importing text data and using the Data Conversion task to convert some of the olumns.

    I have the task set to redirect the row if the conversion fails so I can send the row to an error table.

    Is there anyway to identify the column that failed?

    I'd like to add it to the error message in the Derived Column task if possible.

  • terry_stjean (6/10/2015)

    I'm importing text data and using the Data Conversion task to convert some of the olumns.

    I have the task set to redirect the row if the conversion fails so I can send the row to an error table.

    Is there anyway to identify the column that failed?

    I'd like to add it to the error message in the Derived Column task if possible.

    To say that this is a challenge is an understatement. I have spent hours trying to work out a good way of doing it.

    One suggestion: take a look here at the 'Error Output Description Transform'. It's part of the free 'Community Edition' for the product, so I believe that you can just go ahead and start using it.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

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