Data File Size

  • Dear All,


    My data file size now 8 GB and it almost full. Now I have to increases the size of the data file.


    If the data file size incress , is it affect the performance?

    Is it good practice to add one more data file?


    Please advice.



  • Is the file set to autogrow? Lots of people set this and allow the server to grow. Whether you do it manually or let the server do it, performance will freeze for a few minutes while it grow. The difference is you decide when to take the performance hit.

    If you have space, I'd recommend sticking with one file. More than one increases your admin load and it makes recovery more complex.

  • Depending on your disk architecture, I might add to Steve's suggestion to make the File Growth increment an appropriate size.  If it is too small, then you will end up with file fragmentation, which will slow down database performance.  If you are running Raid striped arrays, this will not matter much (as everything is always essentially fragmented, by design), but this could be important for other disk architectures.


  • Yes, My server have around 60 GB free. So I will keep in one file.

     But my doubts that if I use one file and that file gets damaged, DB will not work. So 2  or more data file  is better than one file and if one file get damaged, can we recover data with the help of other 2 files. Is these features are possible in SQL Server?



  • If any one of the files gets damaged you are in trouble.  Backup, backup, backup!

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