Data magically appears

  • You don't say what kind of report or application was running the report. Could there have been some caching going on with the report? Perhaps the report was run with a bad parameter and the data didn't show up, and then the report with bad parameter data sat in cache for a while?

  • Hi,

    I think I have determined the cause of the problem.

    The particular data in question is historic, was loaded two or three years, is never changed and rarely queried. The query is based on a complex view consisting of a 12 part union statement.

    I suspect there was an invalid query plan for the data, resulting in no rows being returned.

    My query analyser has different environment settings from the defaults for the server/database. It has ARITHABORT, ANSI_PADDING and QUOTED_IDENTIFIER set.

    When I ran the same query through query analyser, the query plan was not valid for that environment, so it was replaced with a valid plan which yielded data.

    I realise this is a simplification, but it explains the results I saw and satisified the auditors.



    If it ain't broke, don't fix it...

  • It would satisfy me too .

  • Cheers

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it...

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