Data Modeling Question

  • Thanks for the info.

    I was thinking of SQL Server has more limitations than I had initially thought of. In that case I will just end up writing some ETL and copy the necessary data in each database, unless you have a better suggestion.


  • I was thinking of SQL Server has more limitations than I had initially thought of. In that case I will just end up writing some ETL and copy the necessary data in each database, unless you have a better suggestion.

    It is so funny people come and blame the technology for their lack of skills. You should know Volusion is a .NET shopping cart that runs more than one thousand stores through the software as a service model, so I don't understand why you think SQL Server is the problem. The last of the three links I posted is also a very busy .NET shopping cart running SQL Server.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Gift Peddie (4/7/2010)

    It is so funny people come and blame the technology for their lack of skills. You should know Volusion is a .NET shopping cart that runs more than one thousand stores through the software as a service model, so I don't understand why you think SQL Server is the problem.

    so true ... as somebody said it before "...if you come home from your hunting trip empty handed, don't blame the Arrow!" 😀

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • I am sorry, but I didn't mean to say that SQL Server is the problem. I just did a quick personal comparison on how it is different than Oracle.

    I know I am on "SQL Server Central", I will never say anything bad about SQL Server intentionally. I want to understand the capabilities of the system as much as I can. It's been more than 6 years that I have worked with SQL Server, so my thought process is more Oracle oriented.

    I do appreciate all the advice, and once again I didn't mean to say anything bad about SQL Server.


  • Gift Peddie (4/7/2010)

    I was thinking of SQL Server has more limitations than I had initially thought of. In that case I will just end up writing some ETL and copy the necessary data in each database, unless you have a better suggestion.

    It is so funny people come and blame the technology for their lack of skills. You should know Volusion is a .NET shopping cart that runs more than one thousand stores through the software as a service model, so I don't understand why you think SQL Server is the problem. The last of the three links I posted is also a very busy .NET shopping cart running SQL Server.

    I don't see the OP's comment as blaming the technology (SQL Server) for a lack of skills, just as an acknowledgement that it has limitations in areas when compared to Oracle. He acknowledged a limitation and has already identified a solution to work around that limitation.

    Perhaps you should take a few moments before rashly responding to posts such as this. If I get a position with Oracle, I will probably find myself thinking Oracle has limitations in certain areas when compared to SQL Server. Doesn't mean a lack of skills on my part.

  • Pranav Shah-410191 (4/7/2010)

    I am sorry, but I didn't mean to say that SQL Server is the problem. I just did a quick personal comparison on how it is different than Oracle.

    I know I am on "SQL Server Central", I will never say anything bad about SQL Server intentionally. I want to understand the capabilities of the system as much as I can. It's been more than 6 years that I have worked with SQL Server, so my thought process is more Oracle oriented.

    I do appreciate all the advice, and once again I didn't mean to say anything bad about SQL Server.


    From my perspective, I didn't read anything that was a knock against SQL Server per se. Thanks for posting that you found a solution.

    Good luck

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Lynn Pettis (4/7/2010)

    Gift Peddie (4/7/2010)

    I was thinking of SQL Server has more limitations than I had initially thought of. In that case I will just end up writing some ETL and copy the necessary data in each database, unless you have a better suggestion.

    It is so funny people come and blame the technology for their lack of skills. You should know Volusion is a .NET shopping cart that runs more than one thousand stores through the software as a service model, so I don't understand why you think SQL Server is the problem. The last of the three links I posted is also a very busy .NET shopping cart running SQL Server.

    I don't see the OP's comment as blaming the technology (SQL Server) for a lack of skills, just as an acknowledgement that it has limitations in areas when compared to Oracle. He acknowledged a limitation and has already identified a solution to work around that limitation.

    Perhaps you should take a few moments before rashly responding to posts such as this. If I get a position with Oracle, I will probably find myself thinking Oracle has limitations in certain areas when compared to SQL Server. Doesn't mean a lack of skills on my part.

    My comment relates to the sentence below because I am not sure if you can run scalable 100 ecommerce sites from one 1,000 tables database in any RDBMS. That is the number of tables needed to run all 100 shopping carts in one database. Please post the live site so I can take it for a spin.

    I was thinking of SQL Server has more limitations than I had initially thought of.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Pranav Shah-410191 (4/7/2010)

    I am sorry, but I didn't mean to say that SQL Server is the problem. I just did a quick personal comparison on how it is different than Oracle.

    I know I am on "SQL Server Central", I will never say anything bad about SQL Server intentionally. I want to understand the capabilities of the system as much as I can. It's been more than 6 years that I have worked with SQL Server, so my thought process is more Oracle oriented.

    I do appreciate all the advice, and once again I didn't mean to say anything bad about SQL Server.


    You can get a dedicated server create 100 databases and add an automated SSIS package that updates each database as needed. So you will be running 101 databases and one SSIS package with a config file. Check the site for existing code to automate your backups.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • I guess I should preview my posts. That was just a mis-constructed statement.

    The site is no where near up. Not a single variable has been declare in C# or a table in SQL Server.

    It's been a while since I worked with both of these and did not keep myself updated with the changes.

    I started this thread as a guidance to what I should be considering.

    I am currently designing the Database and Application model to see how things should work and looking for existing code, tools and best practices that I can possibly use to create a decent "muti-tenancy" application and database solution.

    All of the feedback has been very helpful.

    I was mainly confusing the Schemas in SQL Server with Schemas in Oracle and all the information I got here has been extremely helpful.

    I always like to do everything in scenarios and samples, specially when I am working with something new or something that I have not touched for a while.

    When I do have something I will definitely post the site here so that people can CRASH it and hopefully at the same time help me avoid that when the site is live.

  • Pranav Shah-410191 (4/7/2010)

    Thanks for the info.

    I was thinking of SQL Server has more limitations than I had initially thought of. In that case I will just end up writing some ETL and copy the necessary data in each database, unless you have a better suggestion.


    Filtered Replication might be better for that. That way, the data is very close to real-time. Which is better will depend on how changes are made to that data.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Pranav Shah-410191 (4/7/2010)

    I am sorry, but I didn't mean to say that SQL Server is the problem. I just did a quick personal comparison on how it is different than Oracle.

    I know I am on "SQL Server Central", I will never say anything bad about SQL Server intentionally. I want to understand the capabilities of the system as much as I can. It's been more than 6 years that I have worked with SQL Server, so my thought process is more Oracle oriented.

    I do appreciate all the advice, and once again I didn't mean to say anything bad about SQL Server.


    Doesn't appear to me that you did.

    SQL Server, as with any tool, has limitations. It's important to know what they are.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Gift Peddie (4/7/2010)

    Lynn Pettis (4/7/2010)

    Gift Peddie (4/7/2010)

    I was thinking of SQL Server has more limitations than I had initially thought of. In that case I will just end up writing some ETL and copy the necessary data in each database, unless you have a better suggestion.

    It is so funny people come and blame the technology for their lack of skills. You should know Volusion is a .NET shopping cart that runs more than one thousand stores through the software as a service model, so I don't understand why you think SQL Server is the problem. The last of the three links I posted is also a very busy .NET shopping cart running SQL Server.

    I don't see the OP's comment as blaming the technology (SQL Server) for a lack of skills, just as an acknowledgement that it has limitations in areas when compared to Oracle. He acknowledged a limitation and has already identified a solution to work around that limitation.

    Perhaps you should take a few moments before rashly responding to posts such as this. If I get a position with Oracle, I will probably find myself thinking Oracle has limitations in certain areas when compared to SQL Server. Doesn't mean a lack of skills on my part.

    My comment relates to the sentence below because I am not sure if you can run scalable 100 ecommerce sites from one 1,000 tables database in any RDBMS. That is the number of tables needed to run all 100 shopping carts in one database. Please post the live site so I can take it for a spin.

    I was thinking of SQL Server has more limitations than I had initially thought of.

    Obviously, from that particular comment, the OP was not familiar with SQL Server and was perhaps coming from a different environment. Your assumption that the individual lacked skills simply shows your lack of professionalism and tact when dealing with someone new to the forums.

    As indicated later, the OP has been working with Oracle for the last few years and had not kept up with the changes in SQL Server.

  • GSquared (4/7/2010)SQL Server, as with any tool, has limitations.

    Have you noticed how vendors usually call them "features" 😛

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • PaulB-TheOneAndOnly (4/7/2010)

    GSquared (4/7/2010)SQL Server, as with any tool, has limitations.

    Have you noticed how vendors usually call them "features" 😛

    Sure have, they have to show their product in the best possible light. 😉

  • Lynn Pettis (4/7/2010)

    PaulB-TheOneAndOnly (4/7/2010)

    GSquared (4/7/2010)SQL Server, as with any tool, has limitations.

    Have you noticed how vendors usually call them "features" 😛

    Sure have, they have to show their product in the best possible light. 😉

    And Windows ME had a lot of features.

    Oh, wait different meaning this time. Nevermind.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Learn Extended Events

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