Data split while loading into CSV

  • Hi,

    I am loading data from sql server to a flatfile (.csv format). One of the column will have values like

    =HsGetValue("GPDetail","Scenario#Actual;Year#2012;Period#P07;View#YTD;Entity#G1G2_0609000;Value#<Entity Curr Total>;Account#G3G4_19270999;ICP#I_0695;Custom1#topC1;Custom2#topC2;Custom3#[None];Custom4#[None]")

    When I am trying to load it, data is splitting into 2 columns where comma is loacated. I tried changing different text qualifiers and column delimiters. Please let me know the solution guys.

    Thanks in advance!

  • kishoremania (8/17/2012)


    I am loading data from sql server to a flatfile (.csv format). One of the column will have values like

    =HsGetValue("GPDetail","Scenario#Actual;Year#2012;Period#P07;View#YTD;Entity#G1G2_0609000;Value#<Entity Curr Total>;Account#G3G4_19270999;ICP#I_0695;Custom1#topC1;Custom2#topC2;Custom3#[None];Custom4#[None]")

    When I am trying to load it, data is splitting into 2 columns where comma is loacated. I tried changing different text qualifiers and column delimiters. Please let me know the solution guys.

    Thanks in advance!

    When you change the column delimiter to something else - a pipe (|) perhaps - what happens?

    You talk about 'loading' it - yet from your description, you are exporting it. Can you clarify what you mean by 'load'?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Yes you are right. I am exporting from sqlserver to csv file.

    I tried pipe as column delimiter. It's not working too.

    Can you please try to test once with the value I given.

  • kishoremania (8/22/2012)

    Yes you are right. I am exporting from sqlserver to csv file.

    I tried pipe as column delimiter. It's not working too.

    Can you please try to test once with the value I given.

    When you say 'not working', what do you mean?

    If I told you that my car was not working, would you be able to suggest how to fix it?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

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