Data Truncation | Migration from Lotus Notes to SQL Server 2005

  • Hi All,

    We are migrating data from Lotus Notes to SQL Server 2005 for PHPBB application.

    The issue we are facing while updating a ntext column with nVarchar(max) data we receive data truncation error. Both nvarchar(max) and ntext can accommodate 2 GB of data. Post_text is a ntext column.

    declare @Pposter as varchar(50) -- name of the poster derived from user table profile

    declare @Quotetxt as nvarchar(max)

    DECLARE @ptr varbinary(16)

    declare @Ptext as nvarchar(max)

    declare @parent_id as varchar(100)

    declare @koid as varchar(20) -- value is 'A321GY'

    declare @rBody as varchar(max)

    Msg 8152, Level 16, State 14, Procedure Phpbb_migrate_data2, Line 162

    String or binary data would be truncated.

    The statement has been terminated.

    This happens for 50/60 rows out of 1200 rows. Any pointer to this will help us.

    Statement to update column:

    If @parent_id <> @topicID


    Set @Ptext =( Select body from Reply_Temp_KX29 where ReplyUNID = @parent_id)

    Set @Pposter=(Select username from phpbb_users where KOID =

    (Select KOID from Reply_Temp_KX29 where ReplyUNID = @parent_id))

    Update phpbb_posts set


    Hi[/c3efeqo4w]My reply

    bbcode_bitfield ='gA==',

    bbcode_uid = @koid,

    post_text = '

    '+ @Ptext+'[/quote:'+@koid+']'+


    where post_id =@pid


    Even I do try the following syntax to update ntext column, but I receive the same truncation error for 50/60 rows.

    SELECT @ptr = TEXTPTR(phpbb_posts.post_text)

    FROM phpbb_posts

    WHERE post_id = @pid

    If @parent_id <> @topicID


    Set @Ptext =( Select body from Reply_Temp_KX29 where ReplyUNID = @parent_id)

    Set @Pposter=(Select username from phpbb_users where KOID =

    (Select KOID from Reply_Temp_KX29 where ReplyUNID = @parent_id))

    Update phpbb_posts set


    Hi[/c3efeqo4w]My reply

    bbcode_bitfield ='gA==',

    bbcode_uid = @koid

    where post_id =@pid

    set @Quotetxt ='


    WRITETEXT phpbb_posts.post_text @ptr @Quotetxt



    Got an idea..share it !!


  • I doubt the error is from the column varchar(max) -- ntext conversion.

    Can you also confirm error is coming from update statement.

    Can you check the column definition of bbcode_bitfield and bbcode_uid and confirm the length of input value is less than the data type.

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