Data update

  • John Mitchell-245523 (12/13/2016)

    spectra (12/13/2016)

    I don't want to change datetime to any other datatype e.g date .......

    Why not? You're not changing any data if you cast as date. I understand it's still sargable, as well, although I haven't actually tested. Or just do it as Chris suggested.

    SELECT j FROM #John

    WHERE CAST(j AS date) BETWEEN '20161201' and '20161213'


    I have tested and it is SARGable. It's all about the internal storage of the datetime data type.

  • Ed Wagner (12/13/2016)

    John Mitchell-245523 (12/13/2016)

    spectra (12/13/2016)

    I don't want to change datetime to any other datatype e.g date .......

    Why not? You're not changing any data if you cast as date. I understand it's still sargable, as well, although I haven't actually tested. Or just do it as Chris suggested.

    SELECT j FROM #John

    WHERE CAST(j AS date) BETWEEN '20161201' and '20161213'


    I have tested and it is SARGable. It's all about the internal storage of the datetime data type.

    Confirmed, been using it for years.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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  • You still don't need to cast the column, so why get into that bad habit? Yes, SQL corrects it in this case (at least for now?!). Why not just stick to a "best practice" method of the comparison anyway?:

    WHERE date >= '20161201' AND date < '20170101'

    Btw, do you know for sure if SQL would round up Dec 31 at 11:59:59.997 to Jan 1 the next year or not? You very well might, but I didn't, I had to test it. Therefore, I still prefer the above method.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • ChrisM@Work (12/13/2016)

    spectra (12/13/2016)

    I would like to upgrade this query a bit ...

    CREATE TABLE #John (j datetime)

    INSERT INTO #John VALUES ('2016-11-10 12:12:42.100')

    SELECT j FROM #John

    WHERE j BETWEEN '20161201' and '20161213'

    If I have data on 13th I want to return that well.....what changes I need to add to this query. I don't want to change datetime to any other datatype e.g date .......Is there any way ?

    Make the upper bound "less than the 14th"

    I'm using this now. Hope this is all right.


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