Database attach problem

  • One of our customers had a problem (we don't know what yet) and sent us the database files; both mdf and ldf files. When we try to attach the database in Enterprise Manager we are getting the following error:

    Error 9003: The LSN (11451:16:15) passed to log scan in database '<dbname here>' is invalid.

    We checked the timestamps on the mdf and ldf files. They are in sync. Tried attaching the mdf file only with sp_attach_single_file_db, no luck.

    Enterprise Manager prompts to create a new log file after it displays the error, but that fails too.

    Any ideas?

  • Did they detach the database before copy MDF/LDF? You can also Ask them backup database and send it to you.

  • Thanks for the quick response.

    We received the files on a CD and don't know how they were copied there. Need to get back to the customer about that.

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