• Correct me ,, if i am posting my problem in a wrong forum.


    Here i in my company i am using full recovery model for the database back up plan.

    The Process is like this:


    MONDAY-SATURDAY: Differential Backup Each Day

    and, Transaction log back up every hour.

    I.e. on Sunday at 12:00 AM Full back up will be taken,,,, then hourly transaction log back up and on Monday 12:00 AM a Differential Back up...transaction as hourly. (This gives us A WEEK SET of database)

    Now,the problem i am facing is that..... suppose in between Sunday Full back up - Monday differential back up,,, some Developer takes a full backup of the database in an emergency or any situation,, then in that case,,, the Monday differential backup will be of the Latest Full (i.e. in case,, the developer's one) ,,, which breaks my process.

    So,, can any one suggest me a Script that Gives the Full back up to the developer but does not break my process. (i believe its all about the LSN ,, i am very new to SQL)

    Request: To all Sql Server masters,, please Help..!! 🙂

  • Mr. Kapsicum (7/15/2013)

    some Developer takes a full backup of the database in an emergency or any situation,, then in that case,,, the Monday differential backup will be of the Latest Full (i.e. in case,, the developer's one) ,,, which breaks my process.

    Don't let them, simple!!

    A copy_only backup will not affect the differential LSN so use this if you must.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Perry Whittle (7/16/2013)

    Mr. Kapsicum (7/15/2013)

    some Developer takes a full backup of the database in an emergency or any situation,, then in that case,,, the Monday differential backup will be of the Latest Full (i.e. in case,, the developer's one) ,,, which breaks my process.

    Don't let them, simple!!

    A copy_only backup will not increment the differential LSN so use this if you must.

    Thanks for Your Reply Mr. Perry Whittle,,,

    I would have Stop Them,,,, but there are some situations when you can't stop some notorious ones.

    Well,, Sir,,, as per Suggested by you,,, i will see whats this Copy_only is.(Hopefully i will find some good articles related to this.)

    But Sir,,, The copy_only statement has to be used by me,,, or I have to Share this Copy-only script with my Team,,,,so that they can use it whenever they want.?

  • Copy_only is detailed in books online.

    Yes provide the script to the developers

    backup database [yourdb] to disk = 'f:\somepath\yourdb.bak' WITH COPY_ONLY


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Perry Whittle (7/16/2013)

    Copy_only is detailed in books online.

    Yes provide the script to the developers

    backup database [yourdb] to disk = 'f:\somepath\yourdb.bak' WITH COPY_ONLY

    Thank You Mr. Perry Whittle,, Thanks A LOT

  • I would never have them run their own BACKUP command.

    You need to have them call a stored proc so that you can add/override all options necessary to the BACKUP; for example, including but not limited to: INIT, COMPRESSION, retention options, directory to write to, etc., etc.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • i think everyone is correct in saying don't let the developers do the backup in the first place.

    Cheers! 🙂

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