Database Backup?

  • The way i do it right now is go to Entreprise Manager, right click on the database and choose Backup, and then backitup to a file. Is this good enough for me to be able to restore it from the file if something goes wrong? DO i also need to backup the transactional logs?

    Thank you

  • You can restore a database from a full backup (what you are creating) but if you aren't backing up the transaction log you will not be able to restore to a point in time after the last full backup was performed.


    If most people are not willing to see the difficulty, this is mainly because, consciously or unconsciously, they assume that it will be they who will settle these questions for the others, and because they are convinced of their own capacity to do this. -Friedrich August von Hayek


  • Be aware of your recovery mode on the database that you are backing up.  Also keep in mind what the expectations are for recovery.  Is the expectation there that you will need to recover the database to a point in time.  If so, set your database recovery mode to Full and backup the transaction log regularly.  If not simple mode should be fine with full backups taking place.  I hope this helps.


  • As poined by others, It depends on Recovery model of the database.

    One thing is for sure that you will be able to restore the database if something goes wrong, provided backup is good.

    It is always recommended to verify the backup by applying on test enviornment on periodic basis.

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