Database Backup query

  • atulkumar2 (12/2/2008)

    Hi Rajeev,

    The best you can achive by using the third party tool. Some of them are as LiteSpeed by Quest Software and SQLBackup by Radegate.

    I am not promoting any thirdparty tool here but your requirement can be met by those tools easily.



    Another option may be to upgrade to SQL 2008 if that is feasible and use it's built in compression backup. At our company, we personally use a third party software on our really large databases, regular backup for the relatively smaller ones. In the future, once we upgrade to SQL 2008, we'll see if it is faster to use the built in compression backup or keep with the third party software.

    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."
    - Albert Einstein

  • Gaby Abed (12/3/2008)

    atulkumar2 (12/2/2008)

    Hi Rajeev,

    The best you can achive by using the third party tool. Some of them are as LiteSpeed by Quest Software and SQLBackup by Radegate.

    I am not promoting any thirdparty tool here but your requirement can be met by those tools easily.



    Another option may be to upgrade to SQL 2008 if that is feasible and use it's built in compression backup. At our company, we personally use a third party software on our really large databases, regular backup for the relatively smaller ones. In the future, once we upgrade to SQL 2008, we'll see if it is faster to use the built in compression backup or keep with the third party software.

    FYI: SQL Server 2008 compression is available ONLY in ENTERPRISE editions (or Developer), not Standard

    It was a total disappointment for me

    SQLServerNewbie MCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005
  • The use of file groups would allow you backup multiple portions of the database.

    This type of action might put more strain on network resources. So solving networking issues and retaining compression for backups appear to be the best course of action for this.

    Put the length on time for recovering a database in the discussion with management as well as the disk space saved by using compression software. Otherwise you will pay in ways that aren't obvious.

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