Database Daily Usefullness

  • I enjoy reading the Database Daily when it comes out.  There have been some very helpful links.  Most of the time I just note the links and skim read the articles unless there is something that I find particularly interesting.  Thanks for doing a great job with putting this together.

  • Add me to the pile. I read it -- saves me the trouble of searching out these sources myself.


  • Good job and keep 'em coming! I like the different focus of this list.

  • Yes, yes, yes.  Database Daily is appreciated.  Please continue with the service.

    Ryan Hunt

  • Very useful, keep up the great work!

  • I read it, and usually follow a link or two to read the whole story. 

    So long, and thanks for all the fish,

    Russell Shilling, MCDBA, MCSA 2K3, MCSE 2K3

  • I check Database Daily most days, it's a useful source so please keep on with it.

  • Steve,

    I cannot even begin to tell you how much I appreciate the Database Daily news  aggregation email.  I am a developer with typically crushing deadlines, and I don't have time to "troll the net" for news and information on SQL Server.  SQL Server is just one of the many tools I need to use and I'm not a DBA, so I can't spare oodles of time keeping up with everything.  Just keeping up with .NET is a part-time job!

    Thanks for the good work and keep it going!

    Joseph Ackerman, MCSD

  • I find the database daily useful.  Keep it coming!

  • I skim the database daily when it arrives & usually find a link or article that's useful.

    Improvements: it would be nice to have a 'top of page' link in each section as it can be a pain to scroll up manually.

    Otherwise it's great, keep up the good work.


    Adib Jafari

    SQL Server DBA

    Notting Hill Housing Group

    Hammersmith, London




  • I admit, that I don't really read it, but each week I wonder why it is send weekly and named database daily.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • I found the new edition of database daily to be quite good

    the stock ideas at the bottom is a great idea, i also like the color coding to break up each section, i ended up reading more than what i normally do...

    top stuff and great to see such quick reaction to your readers ideas...


    great work !






    Life is far too important to be taken seriously

  • I received my first issue of Database Daily Update today and enjoyed it very much. Keep up the great work-I look forward to future issues!!!

  • Pretty unanimous opinion here Steve. I'm afraid you are just going to have to keep writing those editorials!

Viewing 14 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)

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