Database File

  • Dear All,

    There's a database that was installed on the server but then it was created in separate folder the  backups are also in separate folder,they were not stored in default sqlserver folders. Now the problem is that there is a database file of this specific database that is in the default datafile of the sever, I deleted it last week as it taking too much space on the server, but this morning I found that it was created on friday night. It is 7GB larger than the database that we use even though it's they are boht same database. I find it very strange on how it happened, please help me solve this problem.


  • is this a backup file ?

    If yes, maybe there is a backup-device pointing to it ...

    exec sp_helpdevice

    you can rerout it using

    begin tran

    exec sp_dropdevice @logicalname = 'yourdevicename'

    exec sp_addumpdevice  @devtype = 'disk', @logicalname =  'yourdevicename', @physicalname = 'yourpathandfilename'

    commit tran

    They may have embedded their backup-comands in stored procs, you may want to search them for "backup". there are queries at SSC to seach on proc-text.

    They may have created their own backup-job, take a look at sqlagent jobs to find it. there are queries at SSC to seach on this.


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