database growth issue

  • Hi All,

    The M: drive on Test Server running with very low space. It has now only 6.25% free space out of total allocated space of 128 GB.

    The growth of data and log files of databases residing on this drive would be impacted. Kindly look into this ASAP.

    The size of process database is as follows:-

    Total Size 72909 MB

    Used Space 38959 MB

    Free space 33950 MB

    The size of os_prod_coreaudit database is as follows:-

    Total Size 44035 MB

    Used Space 38375 MB

    Free Space 5660 MB

    Previosly on of our team member to shrunk the database. and he has to reduce around 15GB. Then

    With in oneweek again it reached the upto level.

    My question is, How can i findout the database growth impact.

    Is there any other alternate solution to solve this issue.

    Kindly treat this issue as an urgent basis and reply me as early as possible.

    Thanks & Regards


  • Two things to consider:

    1. This is a test server.

    2. You have > 32GB free space inside the data file. You have adequate room for growth within the file. Thus the 6% free space on the volume will be un-impacted for some time.

    If the data file is growing, you need to know what is causing it to grow (possibly a reindex job). You should also trend your databases and determine the growth rate. You should also document what the autogrow settings are for your database.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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