database in LOADING state after restoring

  • I am restoring a database from VERITAS NetBackup and it is indicating that it is still LOADING whereas the SQL Log indicates that the restore has completed.

    Please, any suggestions?



  • Where does it indicate LOADING? In Veritas or in Enterprise Manager?

    Normally, LOADING indicates that the database is awaiting another file to be restored. This means that you restored a file using the WITH NORECOVERY option. Check Veritas to see if you used that. In SQL Server, you can issue this command:


    Replace the 'dbname' with your database name.


  • Thank you very much for your reply.

    It was saying (LOADING) in Enterprise Manager. The restore script from VERITAS indicated WITH RECOVERY. What I did was to run the following statement from Query Analyzer:

    USE Master

    RESTORE databasename WITH RECOVERY

    It gave me problems saying that there was a connection to it. That was not possible because there was no database available unless it was an internal process. However, around 10 minutes after running the above statement the (LOADING) had disappereared and I could connect to the database and see all the tables. After that I ran a DBCC CHECKDB to make sure it was healthy and it really was.

    It is not the first time that I see this problem with the (LOADING) even if the Veritas script says WITH RECOVERY. What surprised me was that it did not take my statement (the one above I ran at the end from Q.A.) right away but as I said, 10 minutes later everything was OK.

  • It sounds like Veritas didn't release the connection. It may have been doing some checks or just being a pain.

    That's one of the reasons I don't use third-party software to do the backups. I use the 'builtin' SQL Server backup commands to back up the database to disk and then I use Veritas Backup Exec to COPY the backup file to tape. It takes a little bit longer, but it always works.


  • Hi guys,

    I have a question about Veritas. We're using 9.1 Revision 4691 in our environment to backup just the disk to disk backup files from native SQL. We're telling the Veritas backup job to exclude any .mdf and .ldf files, so it doesn't freeze the db's for snapshot, but it still does, resulting my restore process to be out of sequence. When I try to restore from a full/differential/log backup, it looks for the snapshot and thus, fails.

    Is there a way to prevent this from happening?


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