Database Log File full

  • Howdy

    I received a sql server alert

    DESCRIPTION: Error: 9002, Severity: 17, State: 6

    The log file for database ### is full. Back up the transaction log for the database to free up some log space.

    The confusing thing is that there was still plenty of disk space left on the drive at least 5 gig. The file is set for unrestricted growth and to grow by 10%.

    I am running transaction log backups every 10 minutes and DBCC SHRINKFILE.

  • Try DBCC OPENTRAN, see BOL 2000.

    Do you run replication on the database

  • No replication

    No active open transactions.

  • I have seen this every once in a while on our larger databases. It appears that the log will only autoextend about 255 times during a single transaction before giving this message. I have never been able to satisfactorly reproduce it for Microsoft, so the cause is just my observation/guess as to what is happening on my system.

  • Can you Restart SQL and check if problem 'go away'. Another person suggested detach/attach

    Articles(bugs) at and;EN-US;317375

  • Just found this article;en-us;282286

  • Set the option 'Auto Shrink' on this database; it will aso shrink the logfile after it is backed up.

  • set the auto shrink option in the database



  • You will sometimes get this error when your disk can not allocate growth space fast enough. A lot of times you will get this error from tempdb where one transaction will fail due to this error then the next one will succeed as it has had time to grow, increasing the growth size may help. If the growth is your problem, auto shrink will not help you.


    Ray Higdon MCSE, MCDBA, CCNA


    Ray Higdon MCSE, MCDBA, CCNA

  • quote:

    The confusing thing is that there was still plenty of disk space left on the drive at least 5 gig. The file is set for unrestricted growth and to grow by 10%.

    What was the size of the transaction log at the time of failure? Let's say it got to 51 GB. 10% of that is 5.1 GB and you only have 5 GB available.


  • Good call SQLBill, missed the forest for the trees

    Ray Higdon MCSE, MCDBA, CCNA


    Ray Higdon MCSE, MCDBA, CCNA

  • The size of the transaction log was 3 gig.

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