Database mail

  • In virus scan console=>Access protection =>prevent massmailing worm from sending mail=>EDIT => Processes to exclude: add "DatabaseMail90.exe"

  • Jack Corbett (5/21/2009)

    As I said earlier, if you have McAfee Enterprise you need you McAfee administrator to make the changes or else they will be overwritten by policy.

    You can change it on your own by going into VirusScan Console -> Double-Click on Access Protection -> Select the Anti-Virus Standard Protection Category -> Select the Prevent mass mailing worms from sending mail -> Click Edit -> Add DatabaseMail90.exe to the processes to exclude -> Click OK -> Click OK -> Exit VirusScan console by clicking the "X" In the upper right.

    Again changing it locally will be overwritten by enterprise policy.

    I tried this by enabling databasemail90.exe as an exception list but its not working until and unless I completely disable the access protection. (it not waiting for the policy to be overwritten by administrator). Can there be some other possibilities?

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  • Are you using SQL Server 2005 or 2008? In 2008 it is changed to DatabaseMail.exe.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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    I upgraded our company from Exchange Server and SQL 2000 to SQL 2005 and google apps and the database mail has been broken for a while.

    Been tearing my hair out when ever I tried to figure out what I did wrong only to discover it was McAfee 🙂

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