Database Mail not working

  • hi guys, for one of my server the database mail is not working.

    the Mail is queued, but no entries in sysmail_event_log or Windows Application Event Log.

    there are no restrictions in the smtp, and i have no issues with the other servers using the same database mail configuration settings.

    I have checked:

    EXECUTE dbo.sysmail_help_status_sp;

    the status is "started"

    SELECT is_broker_enabled FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'msdb';

    It returns "1"--broker is enabled

    Database Mail is enabled.

    service account used has enough permissions.

    when i check the sysmail_allitems, the sent status has "unsent" .

    what else can i check?:crying:

  • Check for any antivirus software settings on the server that are bloking the email relay.

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


  • You can also try telnetting to the mail server from the database server - ie telnet servername portno

    If telnet works, try the HELO command, then quit to exit the telnet session.


  • I checked the antivirus and it has no blocking for the port.

    sorry, but i don't know what you mean with telneting...

  • Pls check if you are typing the Profile name correctly.

    Also what type of authentication are you using for the SMTP Server ?

    If using anonymous , check if the mail server allows annonymous connections .

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


  • Telnet can be used to connect to the mail server and confirm that connectivity exists between the database server and the mail server. From the machine where the database server is installed, open a command prompt. At the command line, key the following: (Your mailserver is the server name you used when you setup dbmail. This assumes you are using the default port of 25 to connect to the mail server - also specified in the dbmail setup)

    telnet mailserver 25

    If the session doesn't connect, that's your problem.

    If the session connects, key in all UPPER CASE: HELO

    this will return the servername and the world hello. Generally, if you get the hello message, the connection is good.

    to exit, key in lowercase: quit


  • Hi,

    Try to see if SQL SERVER AGENT is running.


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