Database Mirror

  • I have a couple of questions about Database Mirror that I hope someone can answer for me.

    I have a production server that I would like to setup a backup server for, the problem is that the server that I have available is the test server. It would continue to be the test server and if the worst would happen to the Production server we could move to it.

    My question is... would you still be able to do vendor patches to the test server IE table updates etc.. and still be able to use Database Mirroring?

  • database mirroring is database specific so when you mirror your production database to your test server, this will create a mirror database that is in-recovery mode.

    So you can apply any updates you need to the test database and this won't affect your production mirror.

  • So the mirroring process wont overwrite the changes made to the Mirror server?

    If that is the case that is great news, which brings me to my next question, how up to date does the mirror server have to be to start the mirroring process?

    As an example could I use a 2 day old backup, restored on the mirror server, then start the replication process and the principle server would update the target database with the transactions that have been commited on the principle server?

    From what I have read you need to apply at least one trans log dump from the principle server, but how comprehensive does the trans log need to be? Up to the second?

  • 1.Create the mirror database by restoring with NORECOVERY a recent full backup available of the principal database (in your case the production database). The mirror database must have the same name as the principal database, and they cannot be renamed during a database mirroring session.

    2.You must restore all of the log backups done since the full backup.Depends what is you log backup strategy. Furthermore, before you can initialize mirroring on the partners, it is generally necessary to create a current log backup on the original database and restore it to the future mirror database. So the time difference between the two would be the time taken to restore the recent log backup on the mirror, can take a couple of minutes. Hope this helps..



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  • The mirror database is inaccessible to applications and receives transactions sent from the principal database(


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