Database Mirroring

  • When i am trying to start the mirroring process, it says Microsoft SQL Server error 1413. The size of my transaction log file(principal) is around 7GB. ( I know, if the transaction log file is large the mirroring server takes more than 10 seconds to scan the transaction log, a time-out error occurs)....So i followed the steps

    1.Shrink the transaction log file of the principal database. (Once i executed the DBCC shrink command the size

    of the backup file is reduced to 28 MB from 7GB)

    2.Back up the principal database and the transaction log of the principal database.

    3.On the mirror database, restore the backup files that you generated in step 2.

    After completing all these tasks i performed Mirroring once again, it shows the same problem(Microsoft sql server, error 1413)

    Please Help me


  • Have you checked the Build numbers on both of your SQL Servers?

    What Build numbers are they?

    Have you applied the Hot Fix that has been released to fix this issue?

    How often do you take a T-Log backup on your principle database?

  • Hey,

    Thanks for the reply....I did apply Hotfix and the Microsoft SQL error 1413 problem got resolved...but even now the mirroring process is not working is the problem

    i configured the Principal and Mirror but when i start the mirroring process i can read the Status Message as (Synchronizing: data is being transferred from the principal database to the mirror database). Other than that it doesn't show any message. My Principal Database says(Principal, Synchronizing) and Mirror database says(In Recovery)

    Other than that i don't read any other message like Mirroring successful or failed

    Please help me...thanks in advance



  • Because mirroring is an ongoing process - you won't ever receive a 'mirroring is complete' type of message.

    You will always see a status for the principal as synchronizing, and a status of the mirror as in recovery or synchronized.

    If you are concerned about the actual status, open of the database mirroring monitor and review the process to see how far behind you currently are.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Are you looking for continuous data mirroring or one time snapshot availability for reporting purposes?

  • Thanks for the reply

    @jeffrey......I thought the status of the mirror DB should be something like Mirroring, Synchronizing/Restoring....but in my case it says In Recovery....I checked the mirroring status in SSMS by going into database property's, mirror section and it says(This database has not been configured for mirroring)...So i guess the mirroring process didn't start at all

    @SA.....I am looking for continuous data mirroring



  • Sandeep,

    Few questions, How big principal database is? is there any Index rebuilding operations going on the Principal? any snapshot dbs exists on mirror database?



  • SRI,

    My Principal Database is 2.5 GB(full backup) and Transaction Log Backup was 7.5 GB. I shrinked the Transaction Log Backup

    and the size decreased to 24 MB....Initially when i was trying to create Mirroring i got Microsoft SQL Server error 1413......Then i restored the database in my Test server(which has two instances, one principal(restored using 'with Recovery option') and one mirror instance(restored using 'with No Recovery Option'), i installed hotfix and resolved the 1413 error)...then i was trying to mirror the instances(My principal says principal/synchronizing but my mirror says In Recovery)......

    I don't have any snapshot dbs on mirror database...I don't have any index rebuilding operations on my principal database



  • send us the log for following queries:

    select * from sys.dm_db_mirroring_connections

    select * from sys.database_mirroring

    select * from sys.database_mirroring_endpoints

    select * from sys.database_mirroring_witnesses

    Please do not print mails and docx unless it is absolutely necessary. Spread environmental awareness.

  • Guys....

    Sorry for the late reply...i was out of town and couldn't reply.....

    I believe my Database mirroring is not working properly.....I configured everything and when i click the start Mirroring button i can see the status message as Synchronizing: data is being transferred from the principal database to the mirror database.....If i refresh the status message after sometime it says "This database has not been configured for mirroring"


    when i execute the statement "select * from sys.database_mirroring" i can notice that the mirroring_role column is null and mirroring_role_desc is null (so i am pretty sure that mirroring process is not started for my database)......

    I can read the following error messages in my SQL Server Logs

    "Database mirroring has been terminated for database 'AGL_DB'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required"

    "Error: 1443, Severity: 16, State: 2."

    Other than this i don't get any error messages during the mirroring process


    My principal database is almost 3 GB...I don't have any Index rebuilding operations or snapshot dbs in my mirror

  • Are the SQL instances running on domain account? Please ensure the principal and mirrored instances running on domain account.

  • Yes, the SQL Server instances are running only on domain account

  • Did you create TCP endpoints on Principal and on Mirror Server and then did you give CONNECT permission on both server?

  • Yes, i did create the TCP endpoints and gave connect permission on both the servers

  • Can you write here the syntax that you wrote for creating TCP endpoints and for granting CONNECT permission?

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