Database Mirroring

  • I am getting this error "Database mirroring error: status 1488, severity 16, state 1, string" when I ran this "ALTER DATABASE <mydatabase> SET PARTNER = 'TCP://<principal server>:5022'" on the mirror. Can anyone help?

  • Can you supply more detail about your mirror setup?

    Can you post details of this query run against the principal

    Select name, user_access_desc, state_desc,


    from sys.databases


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • name = abcdatabase,

    user_access_desc = multi_user,

    state_desc = online,

    recovery_model_desc = full

  • Perry Whittle (11/4/2012)

    Can you supply more detail about your mirror setup?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • I don't really know what information you want me to provide but here is what I did. I took the full backup of the principal and restore it on the mirror. created endpoints on the mirror and the principal and started the mirroring process.

  • What were you doing when you received this error? Have you checked the error logs on both systems to determine if they could provide you with additional information, and if so what did they provide?

  • deebabat (11/4/2012)

    I don't really know what information you want me to provide

    This will do for starters

    • Did you specify a witness?
    • Synch or Asynch mirroring?
    • Are you setting up using GUI or TSQL?
    • Whay account type used for sql server services?

    deebabat (11/4/2012)

    but here is what I did. I took the full backup of the principal and restore it on the mirror. created endpoints on the mirror and the principal and started the mirroring process.

    You need a full backup and at least one log backup to initialise the mirror database.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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