Database name with special character(Urgent)

  • Which UI are you talking about?


    So, that just means that this particular application does have limitations for working with object names. Its editor removes unsupported characters.

    But it's an application failure. Not SQL Server failure.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • But it's an application failure. Not SQL Server failure.

    The "application" is called "SQL Server Enterprise Manager" (actually "SQL Server Management Studio" in my case), and you say that this is an application failure, not a SQL Server failure? Ooooookay. I personally only consider it a minor failure, as I don't expect SQL Server to be able to universally handle control characters in identifiers in a proper manner. Unfortunately, the brackets allow you to use them in this manner, so it was indeed a perfectly valid example on Kenneth's part.

    Remember, it was you who asked: "Can you show any case when this practice will fail?"

    Consider it shown.

  • Don't tell me about SQL Server Management Studio. I did not see application that crappy for a long time.

    For your information. I just run you code on my server, then successfully selected all rows from that table and dropped it using EM.

    No problems with it.

    Sorry, the only thing is shown is that next version on MS product is worse then previous one.

    Nothing else.

    Practice does not fail and it does not cause problems.

    Unless you are using badly designed tools.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Cheers boys and girls. Monday again

    I think I'll just make a last post for closure in this thread.

    Something struck me during the weekend as to what all the argument's really about.

    Sergiy was opposed to my 'best practice' as it was not *the* best practice.

    Well, I agree. I never said it was 'the one and only', what I posted was *A* 'best practice'.

    Now, looking back, I assume that what made Sergity jump the gun, was the header..?

    'Best practice #1:'

    If so, this wasn't to mean 'the single and only one', it was just an enumeration, since I was the first to post A 'best practice' as response to the question from the op on us giving him some 'best practices' (note the plural)

    I did expect someone to follow up with Best practice #2, #3 and so on.

    So, why don't we just cut fooling around with words, and aswer the question?

    Let's give some 'Best practices' as asked for, perhaps with some (brief) arguments as to why we like them, then he has some materials to work with to decide what kind of 'best practices' would suit him and his environment.




  • Kenneth,

    "Best" could be the only one. If it's the best.

    There is even sarcastic proverb about "second best".

    So, when I say "qualifying object names with dbo. is a best practice" I mean that not using this practice makes degrade quality of your scripts.

    Not using that practice which you named "best" does not degrade quality of scripts. Probably it's even slightly increases performance of scripts compilation.

    So, there is no reason to name is "the best", "a best" or even "recommended". It's just something you use to see, but someone else could prefer another style of script formatting.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sergiy,

    I know you love words, and you love to twist and twirl them too.

    I also know that you know what I mean, and you know that I know that you know it.

    With the 'best' of intentions...


  • An interesting debate.

    I was recently looking at some of the features in SS 2008 and came across the Declaritve Management Function which -as far as i can tell - allows you to set up policies - not best practices - which, amongst other things, could enforce restrictions on naming objects in the environment. Oddly enough it would appear that the problem which generated this discussion wouldn't have been covered by this new feature as it only applies to objects that are true transactions such as creating tables, naming db's didn't make the grade.

    The inclusion of this function will i imagine cause all sorts of headaches as DBA's genuinely try to figure out what is best practice and if implementing them leads to genuine benefits.



  • Can you please don't turn this thread into another Bankers rounding ....

    PS: "You" know who "you" are

    * Noel

  • Shoot... way too late for that request, eh

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • I'm going to start a [Bankers Rounding] is the [Best Practice] thread now.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Don't know about all others, but I don't think this thread is anywhere near 'Bankers rounding'.

    Though as with all longwinded debates, the focus tends to occasionally weer off course from what was the 'original issue'.


  • Kenneth,

    forgive those who don't have anything to say but love to show up anyway.

    > I also know that you know what I mean, and you know that I know that you know it.

    I like Karma's definition:

    that was your policy, but definitely not the best practice.

    I have also some policies for scripting, such as using of upper/lower case, naming, string formatting, etc.

    But I would not dare to name them "best practice". It's just what I find comfortable for me. Probably for nobody else, who knows.

    If it's what you meant then lets consider it was not accurate wording and close it.

    Because all it was, as I told at the beginning, about not sending a false message to beginners.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Well, accurate wording is a difficult art, be it in writing or in tongue.

    I agree that a policy ísn't automatically the same as a 'best practice', though I think they are somewhat related.

    I also consider stuff like how to format, indent, casing etc more as 'policies' than 'best practices', now that you mention it here.

    Perhaps 'policy' and 'practice' is more synonym to eachother.

    However - at least this is how I've understood the term - the 'best' in the expression 'best practice' isn't there for ranking purposes per se - that is 'there can be only one /Kurgan' - since we have the expression 'best practises' in plural, it suggests opportunity of choice between several options.

    I know for sure there are policies that I wouldn't call 'best practice', OTOH there may be some 'best practices' that I'd adopt as a policy

    (perhaps it's more philosophical than rethorical...)

    ..or maybe it's more like there is 'advice' and there's 'good advice'... (never heard of 'best advice' though)

    As I said before too, ofc we don't want to send false messages (we don't want to go into if 'falseness' assumes intent, do we? <grin> ), we want to send explaining messages. We all read different things into different words and expressions, so yes, let's agree that it was a wording issue



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