Database & Object migration

  • We are in the process of replacing our aging SQL Servers with new servers. In doing so, we are taking the opportunity to also upgrade from SQL Server 7 to SQL Server 2000. My question is this: What is the best method to migrate the databases and objects that are on our old SQL Server 7 on to the new SQL Server 2000?

  • Time and network bandwidth permitting, I'd just use the Copy Database Wizard. Why reinvent the wheel. I just converted a single database from a SQL 6.5 server to a SQL 2000 server which involved 2 steps. 1 - scripting out the original database to create a new database shell, and 2 - using DTS to export/import from 6.5 to 2000. 1 hour, no fuss, no muss. Granted it was a small database, but the process is the same - it only takes longer to transfer more data across the wire. Consultants want to tell you it takes weeks to plan the conversion, run database data comparisons, etc. I think they use it to create "billable hours" to justify their paychecks and as an opportunity to buy some of the "cool" software you see advertized on this site. Hey, if Microsoft went through the trouble to create a wizard for you, why not use it?

  • Move SQL Server 7.0 database to 2000 is different than migrating 6.5 to 2000. Yes, you could use wizard but you also can do it by backup/restore or detach/attach the database. See BOL for upgrade 7.0 database to 2000 for details.

  • Oops! Allen's right. Lost my head this morning. Sorry

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