Database Offline

  • hi everyone

    Could someone please help me in following:

    One of my database in SQL 2000 going Offline automatically. When i bring it back Online its Ok for 20/30 minutes and then again appear as Offline. I had similar problem when one of the database keep going to 'Single user' automatically.

    Any idea what happening.

    Thank you

  • Try this.

    Detach the database and attach it again using the sp_attach_single_file_db command

    this would recreate the log file.

    Tell me if this would help.

    On secnd thought is the database showing suspect status or is there anything in the errorlog that can pinpoint the problem.

    He who knows others is learned but the wise one is one who knows himself.

    He who knows others is learned but the wise one is one who knows himself.

  • Thanks brokenrulz

    The database currently Ok. if something it goes Offline again, I will do what you said.

    Thanks again

  • Are you seeing any errors in the SQL Error Logs? How about the Windows Event Logs?

    You might have Auto-Close turned on. Use Enterprise Manager, drill down to the database, right click, select Properties, go to Options tab and check to see if Auto-Close is checked (it should be unchecked).


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