Database Roles

  • dphillips (2/23/2009)


    Obviously there is not much QA vetting by an alternate person before the questions are deployed.


    The section Beta Testing in this article adresses that exact concern:

    Good question, too bad the typo slipped in!

  • While I appreciate the information, there's no need to pile on. We'll award back all points to this time since the question has an error.

    And as for the complaints, they get old. We make mistakes, Gus and I are old, and our eyes don't always see things correctly. Heck, the BOL page was hard to see as well. Whining about mistakes in the QOD seems fairly unprofessional to me. Just my $0.02

  • dphillips

    Obviously there is not much QA vetting by an alternate person before the questions are deployed.

    As to the question writing challenge: is there a way to know the potential question has not been written before?

    To the best of my knowledge the vetting is performed by Steve Jones, and lord knows he has a considerable work load running this site. I believe at one time Steve had some volunteers assisting, but as work loads changed and other events in the volunteers lives cause them to gradually drop this task.

    And yes you can review previously asked questions. Note in the page that is displayed after you answer a question there is a link just below the blue bar which contains the text "Questions from the achieve", beneath that is a link " << Older questions" Click on that, as I did today and before giving up (tired finger syndrome) got back to the QOD date Nov. 9, 2006 and had not reached the end.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


    Please help us, help you -before posting a question please read[/url]
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  • Steve, and all, I think you are doing a great job; make no mistake about that!

    I apologize if my prior post sounded derrogatory - it was intended as an observation only, not a complaint. Typos in general are common with almost everyone, myself included. These questions just are a bit more technical, and the difference of one dot or title is a make-or-break truth.

    I actually think this is a mark of achievement: if nobody complained about it, the site would not now have the prestige it currently does. Users enjoy collecting points and grumble when a dot or title chaps them out of one. I look up to those with 2K+ points... lot of contribution there. And, it seems to prove that user submittals and participation is valued.

    (grin) Keep up the good work!

    On the history of questions, I think the potential frequency of duplication is very low, and would have no impact and user experience here... so I guess I will quit worrying about it and try one...

  • dphillips

    On the history of questions, I think the potential frequency of duplication is very low, and would have no impact and user experience here... so I guess I will quit worrying about it and try one...

    GO FOR IT... A good side effect is, as you research for the correct answer(s) and documentation to support your "correctness" how much new you learn ... so it is double edged -- the users learn more and you learn more.

    Looking forward to see your questions..

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


    Please help us, help you -before posting a question please read[/url]
    Before posting a performance problem please read[/url]

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