Database State and Backup Information

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Database State and Backup Information

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Good work!

    but you seems to use extra(not required) parenthesis. might be good, but affected readability a bit. (just general comments not to take it serious).

    2ndly, the code segment

    Convert(real(256), MAX(u.backup_size), 101),'NA'))/1024)/1024

    may result into truncation of data... !! not specific to this problem but i am trying to raise a general warning here that the code segment may have this in addition

    Convert(real(256), MAX(u.backup_size), 101),'NA'))/1024.0000)/1024.0000

    as you may know that Sql Server may return results in INT data type rather than in fractional (required format), and the CONVERT function will certainly would receive already truncated data (+ not rounded data) and consequently, u may get fractional truncation summation error in matter of summation of large number of records.

    I hope so, u may get what i intended for.

    Please don't forget to comment over it.

    & Thanks

  • You may want to consider differentiating between types of backups. You may have log backups running fine but no full backups taking place.

    Also I would consider including databases which do not have records in msdb.dbo.backupset to highlight any database for which no backups have taken place.

  • Noted, and thank you for the feedback.

    SELECT as [DB Name],

    t.user_access_desc as [Access State],

    t.state_desc as [Online/Offline],

    ((SELECT (CASE t.is_in_standby WHEN 0 THEN 'No' WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'Other' END))) as [In Standby],

    (COALESCE(Convert(datetime, MAX(u.backup_finish_date), 101),'Not Yet Taken')) as [Last BackUp Taken],

    ROUND((((COALESCE(Convert(real(256), MAX(u.backup_size), 101),'NA'))/1024.000)/1024.000),3) as [Backup Size in MB],

    (COALESCE(Convert(varchar(10),MAX(datediff(d, getdate(), u.backup_finish_date))),101)) as [Days since Backup],

    (COALESCE(Convert(varchar(12), MAX(u.type), 101),'NA')) as [Backup_type],

    (COALESCE(Convert(varchar(12), MAX(u.user_name), 101),'NA')) as [User Name]



    ON = u.database_name

    GROUP BY t.Name,t.is_in_standby, t.user_access_desc, t.state_desc

    ORDER BY t.Name

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Thanks for the script.

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