Database synchronization

  • Hi Friends ,

    I am having two database residing on two different server

    and i need to synchronize thease two database as bidirectional.

    What settings are required to accomplish this task..

    Plz Help me ..

  • You can use Database mirroring or Replication....

    Sagar Sonawane
    ** Every DBA has his day!!:cool:

  • Hi friend,

    I think you are right...

    please send how to perform mirring or replication processs..

    plz send some helpful link..of vedio link to batter understand

    whole process..

    thanks for your reply..

  • Sample script for Database mirroring

    Video for Db Mirroring

    Sagar Sonawane
    ** Every DBA has his day!!:cool:

  • i need to synchronize thease two database as bidirectional.

    Merge replication is typically used in server-to-client environments. Merge replication is appropriate in any of the following situations:

    • Multiple Subscribers might update the same data at various times and propagate those changes to the Publisher and to other Subscribers.

    • Subscribers need to receive data, make changes offline, and later synchronize changes with the Publisher and other Subscribers.• Each Subscriber requires a different partition of data.

    • Conflicts might occur and, when they do, you need the ability to detect and resolve them.

    • The application requires net data change rather than access to intermediate data states. For example, if a row changes five times at a Subscriber before it synchronizes with a Publisher, the row will change only once at the Publisher to reflect the net data change (that is, the fifth value).

    Peer-to-peer replication in SQL Server 2008 introduces the option to enable conflict detection across a peer-to-peer topology. This option helps prevent the issues that are caused from undetected conflicts, including inconsistent application behavior and lost updates. By enabling this option, by default a conflicting change is treated as a critical error that causes the failure of the Distribution Agent. In the event of a conflict, the topology remains in an inconsistent state until the conflict is resolved manually and the data is made consistent across the topology.

  • As previously mentioned, merge or peer to peer replication will fulfill your needs.

    To throw something else out there, depending on the complexity, you could also do this with SSIS.

  • Saga... (10/13/2011)

    You can use Database mirroring or Replication....

    Mirroring is not bi-directional, it is only 1 way.



    CE - Microsoft

  • We use transactional replication with updateable subscriptions. Fundamentally, it is a bi-directional replication.



    CE - Microsoft

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