database tuning engine problem

  • Well, I do agree with all of your opinions. Simply and blindly follow DTA's suggestion could be negative move sometime.

    But at least, it is an useful tool for some reasons that MS wants to provide in the package and I personally found it is an useful tool in SQL2000.

    That's why I am trying to scratch my head to make it work and I had tried to install to 2 other pc but result were the same.

    Appreciate your opinions given to my post and should anyone found a solution just please let me know.

    Thank you.

    Together, we can make wonders!
  • Yeah... I guess we strayed quite a bit. Sorry...

    I've never seen that type of problem occur... If I do and I can actually fix it, I'll try to find this thread and post the answer.

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  • regarding your timeout error i can only guess that your query is taking too long to execute...i had the same problem for some other can increase the timeout duration by going to the tools in database engine..default i think is 30secs..u can change it and may be then try...but this is just a gues..thanks..

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