
  • Ok, I am populating a page with data from four different tables. I sarted out using a datalist and selected all the data I need with a stored procedure. Then I discovered that three of the tables have more than one record for each userID. This caused my datalist to display all of my data over and over again. I would like to use a repeater for the tables that have repeating records but then I am confused on how to display the page if:

    -table 1 has only 1 record per userID

    -table 2 has more than one record per userID

    -table 3 has more than one record per userID

    -table 4 has more than one record per userID

    ...and my page is layed out something like this

    some information from table 1 then information from table 3 then some more information from table 1 then information from table 2 then some more information from table 1 then information from table 4 then some more information from table 1

    Is there a way to keep all of table 1 in a datalist and then just pop in as asp:repeater for tables 2-4?

    this is how I am doing the datalist for table 1


    dtrProfile = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader()

    dlstProfile.DataSource = dtrProfile



    this is how I am doing the code for the asp:repeater


    dtrPositions = cmdPositions.ExecuteReader()

    dlstPositions.DataSource = dtrPositions



    I just want to make sure I am doing this the most efficient way.

  • Instead of using a dataReader, you can place the data in Table 1 into a DataSet and then you only need to call that one time and the data in the dataset can be reused until your hearts content without making any additional calls to your SQL Machine.  On pages that I have with multiple database calls that populate different forms, I make one stored procedure and have multiple SELECT statments in it and then just dump all of the results into a DataSet and then parse through the tables in the dataset.  It saves on connections to the db and is easier for me (at least) to manage.

  • Thank you, this sounds like a great solution.

  • I have been working on all morning and I am stuck.

    This is my stored procedure


    @ClientID INT



    SELECT dbo.User_Information.User_ID, dbo.User_Information.First_Name, dbo.User_Information.Last_Name, dbo.User_Information.Email_1,

    dbo.User_Information.Address_1, dbo.User_Information.Address_2, dbo.User_Information.City, dbo.User_Information.State_Province,

    dbo.User_Information.Postal_Code, dbo.User_Information.Home_Phone, dbo.User_Information.Work_Phone, dbo.User_Information.Cell_Phone

    FROM dbo.User_Information

    WHERE dbo.User_Information.User_ID = @ClientID

    SELECT User_ID, Company_Name

    FROM dbo.MySurvey_Positions

    Where dbo.MySurvey_Positions.User_ID = @ClientID

    I just did a datagrid in my page to see what data was stored in my dataset and it only shows the results from the first select statement.

    Dim dstLobbyDoc As DataSet = New DataSet

    Dim dtrProfile As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter

    Dim strGlobal As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("Global")

    Dim GlobalConnection As New SqlConnection(strGlobal)

    Dim cmdSelect As New SqlCommand("LobbyDoc", GlobalConnection)

    cmdSelect.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

    cmdSelect.Parameters.Add("@ClientID", 208466)

    dtrProfile.SelectCommand = cmdSelect

    dtrProfile.Fill(dstLobbyDoc, "lobbyDoc")

    dgrdProfile.DataSource = dstLobbyDoc


    Did I miss something?

  • You may want to actually go back to using the DataReader on this one, then you can take advantage of the NextResult method of the Datareader.



  • You may want to also take out the label in your fill method, there by only calling: 


    I believe this will also fill your dataset with all of the results instead of just one table.

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