Date Function to Return Weekly Date Range

  • I am trying to write a function that will evaluate a datetime value and then assign a weekly date range to it. For example, my desired output would look something like this:

    Week Data

    1/3 – 1/9 123

    1/10-1/16 456

    1/17-1/23 789

  • Well, you showed us what the output should look like, but what are the inputs to the function?

    What about the table structure (CREATE TABLE statement(s)), sample date (as a series of INSERT INTO statements) for the table(s), what code you have tried so far? Al that would help us help you.

  • The input as I mentioned would be a datetime value. For each datetime value I want to determine what week range it belongs to, where a week starts on a Sunday. So for further example (I've cut off the time portion to keep it simple, since we don't care about it):

    ServiceDate WeekRange

    2010-01-06 1/3-1/9

    2010-01-11 1/10-1/16

    2010-01-05 1/3-1/9

    2010-01-01 12/27-1/2

    I just need to understand what combination of date functions or other coding to use to assign a WeekRange value to a ServiceDate datetime.

  • Sorry, still don't understand. What are the inputs used to generate the output desired. At this point I only have half the problem. Can you provide me what I asked for in my previous post?

  • You can use the DatePart function to divide portions of the date but I don't believe you will be able to get the range from any built in function.

  • Hi,

    Here is a "brut force" solution that i think produces the required output:

    declare @Date Datetime

    set @Date = '2010-01-04'

    select @Date, min (limit), max(limit)

    from (

    select dateadd(d, offset, @Date) as limit

    from (

    select 0 as offset union all select 1 union all select 2 union all

    select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6

    ) offset


    select dateadd(d, -offset, @Date) as limit

    from (

    select 0 as offset union all select 1 union all select 2 union all

    select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6

    ) offset

    ) a

    where datepart(week, @Date) = datepart(week, limit)

    José Cruz

  • This should do it...

    DECLARE @date as datetime

    set @date = '01/01/2010'

    SELECT CONVERT(varchar(11), @date, 101) as Today

    , CAST(DATEPART(month,d.firstday) as varchar(2)) + '\' + CAST(DATEPART(day,d.firstday) as VARCHAR(2)) +

    ' - ' + CAST(DATEPART(month,d.lastday) as varchar(2)) + '\' + CAST(DATEPART(day,d.lastday) as VARCHAR(2)) as DateRange



    -- Return first day of the week for any date...(Sunday)

    DATEADD(Week, DATEDIFF(Week, 6,@date), 6) as firstday

    -- Return last day of the week for any date...(Saturday)

    ,DATEADD(Week, DATEDIFF(Week, 5,@date), 5) as lastday ) d

  • Thanks to everyone who responded. Arkware's solution is exactly what I was looking for.

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