date range query


    i've data like following


    1,,,RK,rajani,6,BUG,2004-03-07 14:54:19.000,2004-03-07 14:54:36.000

    2,DI134,Alana 1340,RK,rajani,2,ALT F8,2004-03-07 15:06:55.000,2004-03-07 15:32:16.000

    2,DI137,Alana 1370,RK,rajani,2,ALT F8,2004-03-07 15:06:55.000,2004-03-07 15:32:16.000

    3,C2833,Derek 2833,RK,rajani,4,AUDIT,2004-03-07 16:13:54.000,2004-03-07 16:14:17.000

    4,,,RK,rajani,3,APT BOOK,2004-03-19 12:33:48.000,2004-03-19 12:37:30.000

    5,,,RK,rajani,3,APT BOOK,2004-03-19 12:37:30.000,2004-03-19 12:40:40.000

    6,,,RK,rajani,3,APT BOOK,2004-03-19 12:40:40.000,2004-03-19 12:43:28.000

    7,,,RK,rajani,2,ALT F8,2004-03-19 12:43:32.000,2004-03-19 12:43:36.000

    8,,,RK,rajani,2,ALT F8,2004-03-23 16:41:56.000,2004-03-23 16:43:43.000

    when i run following query

    SELECT * FROM DBO.pt_vCheckSupport

     WHERE supp_startdt>='07-MAR-2004' AND supp_startdt<='19-MAR-2004'

    it excluding records dated 19-mar-2004 which i expect to be included

    how can i change my query so that it returns data based on date range i specified.

    Thanks for ur ideas

  • SELECT * FROM DBO.pt_vCheckSupport

     WHERE supp_startdt>='07-MAR-2004' AND supp_startdt<'20-MAR-2004'

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Thanks Jeff

    i finally did like

    SELECT * FROM DBO.pt_vCheckSupport

     WHERE CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), DBO.pt_vCheckSupport.supp_startdt, 101) AS DATETIME)>= '07-MAR-2004'

     AND CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), supp_startdt, 101) AS DATETIME)<='19-MAR-2004'

  • You should know that using CONVERT will prevent SQL Server to use any indexes. If the table is large and you want to use an index on the supp_startdt, you should use the method that Jeff suggested.


  • I would also reccomend not to use the month-name style for the arguments. For it to be parsed correctly at all times, it's dependant on external settings and language.

    (ie if the server can't parse the name of the month, it will throw an error)

    so, instead of;

    WHERE supp_startdt >='07-MAR-2004' AND supp_startdt='20040307' AND supp_startdt<'20040320'

    ..and no, even if your result from a query like;

    SELECT supp_startdt

    FROM ....

    should return



    this is just the clients chosen display style - it is not the actual value stored in the column, so '20040307' works equally well - providing that the column is datetime datatype.

    ... just want to plant some seeds on using the only non-ambigous dateformat - yyyymmdd (style 112)



  • Also staying away from using CONVERT should perform slightly better, as SQL Server does not need to query the syslanguages system table.

    Every litlle bit helps

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Thank u very much friends

    i'll change my query


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