date string conversion...

  • "I want to point out that run_time is an int and when a job runs one second after midnight the value will be 1 in the column causing the sql to break."

    good eye Kory!


  • I tested the following script without any error.

    SELECT DATENAME(Year, CONVERT(DATETIME,'20060318', 102))

    I believe that we may have to convert the integer to string.

  • I know the original post is bulky, but it works perfect and is large due to the formating requirments.  I recommend either puting this in a function or use a temp table to land the data in a datetime field and them use formating on that single column, which would make the sql perform 6X faster.

  • check out CONVERT in BOL - see if any of those formats would work for you!



  • Here's a script that installs two functions in MSDB that I wrote when I got very, very tired of working with these idiot columns. The one is used to generate a datetime value: dbo.FixJobTime(run_date, run_time)

    ...and the other converts RunDuration into the number of seconds: dbo.FixJobDuration(run_duration). They're all math-based, and so run pretty quickly. Enjoy!



    USE msdb

    IF objectproperty(object_id('FixJobTime'), 'isScalarFunction') = 1

    DROP FUNCTION dbo.FixJobTime

    IF objectproperty(object_id('FixJobDuration'), 'isScalarFunction') = 1

    DROP FUNCTION dbo.FixJobDuration



    Version 1: Function to convert crappy msdb job dates and times to something that can be used

    (in this case, a datetime value)

    PHK, Mar 10 2006


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.FixJobTime


    @JobDate int

    ,@JobTime int = 0


    RETURNS datetime


    RETURN cast( cast((@JobDate % 10000) / 100 as varchar(10))

    + '/' + cast(@JobDate % 100 as varchar(10))

    + '/' + cast(@JobDate / 10000 as varchar(10))

    + ' ' + cast(@JobTime / 10000 as varchar(10))

    + ':' + cast((@JobTime % 10000) / 100 as varchar(10))

    + ':' + cast(@JobTime % 100 as varchar(10))

    as datetime)




    Version 1: Function to convert crappy msdb job durations into something that can be used

    (in this case, total seconds as an integer)

    PHK, Mar 10 2006


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.FixJobDuration


    @JobDuration int


    RETURNS int


    RETURN (@JobDuration/10000)*3600 + ((@JobDuration%10000)/100)*60 + (@JobDuration%100)



  • Here is what we are currently doing to convert run_date and run_time to a datetime field:

    SELECT substring(CONVERT(VARCHAR, sjh.run_date),5,2) + '/' + substring(CONVERT(VARCHAR, sjh.run_date),7,2) + '/' +

     substring(CONVERT(VARCHAR, sjh.run_date),1,4) + ' ' + substring(Right('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, sjh.run_time),6),1,2) +

     ':' + substring(Right('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, sjh.run_time),6),3,2) +

     ':' + substring(Right('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, sjh.run_time),6),5,2) as RunDateTime

    FROM msdb..sysjobhistory sjh


  • I think this conversion method is a little shorter:

     	[Job Run Date/Time] =
     	-- Convert run_date and run_time to datetime
     	-- Select sample of 20 jobs
     	select top 20 * from sysjobhistory order by newid()
     	) a
    order by
    run_date    run_time    Job Run Date/Time                                      
    ----------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------ 
    20050218    172345      2005-02-18 17:23:45.000
    20060820    100000      2006-08-20 10:00:00.000
    20061105    200         2006-11-05 00:02:00.000
    20061119    13000       2006-11-19 01:30:00.000
    20061224    200         2006-12-24 00:02:00.000
    20070114    200         2007-01-14 00:02:00.000
    20070114    100000      2007-01-14 10:00:00.000
    20070523    23000       2007-05-23 02:30:00.000
    20070526    20000       2007-05-26 02:00:00.000
    20070527    230001      2007-05-27 23:00:01.000
    20070528    230001      2007-05-28 23:00:01.000
    20070531    153000      2007-05-31 15:30:00.000
    20070602    20000       2007-06-02 02:00:00.000
    20070604    23000       2007-06-04 02:30:00.000
    20070605    0           2007-06-05 00:00:00.000
    20070606    0           2007-06-06 00:00:00.000
    20070606    230001      2007-06-06 23:00:01.000
    20070608    230001      2007-06-08 23:00:01.000
    20070619    23002       2007-06-19 02:30:02.000
    20070710    30600       2007-07-10 03:06:00.000
    (20 row(s) affected)
  • Sorry... got carried away having fun

    For the format similar to what you ultimately requested... feel free to tweek it... includes a column with a "normalized" DATETIME and a couple of other handy conversions so that if you ever need to run stats (ie. how many jobs failed yesterday), you can do so.

     SELECT d.Instance_ID,
            fRunDate = CAST(
                       RIGHT(DATENAME(yy,d.RunDate),2) + ' '                        --2 digit year with zero fill
                     + LEFT(DATENAME(mm,d.RunDate),3)  + ' '                        --3 character month spelled out
                     + REPLACE(STR(DAY(d.RunDate),2),' ','0') + ' '                 --2 digit day with zero fill
                     + LEFT(DATENAME(dw,d.RunDate),3)  + ' '                        --3 character day of week spelled out
                     + REPLACE(RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),d.RunDate,100),7),' ','0') --hh:mmAM(PM) with zero fill
                       AS CHAR(21)),
            fRunDuration  = CONVERT(CHAR(8),d.RunDuration,108),
            RunDurSeconds = CAST(CAST(RunDuration AS FLOAT)*24*60*60 AS INT),
       FROM (--Derived table converts int columns of Run_Date and Run_Time to single datetime column
             SELECT Instance_ID,
                    RunDate     = CAST(STR(Run_Date) + ' ' 
                                + STUFF(STUFF(REPLACE(STR(Run_Time,6),' ','0'),5,0,':'),3,0,':') AS DATETIME),
                    RunStatus   = Run_Status,
                    RunDuration = CAST(STUFF(STUFF(REPLACE(STR(Run_Duration,6),' ','0'),5,0,':'),3,0,':') AS DATETIME)
               FROM MSDB.dbo.SysJobHistory
            ) d
    Instance_ID RunStatus   fRunDate              fRunDuration RunDurSeconds RunDate                                                
    ----------- ----------- --------------------- ------------ ------------- ------------------------------------------------------ 
    129         0           06 Jul 30 Sun 01:00AM 00:00:19     19            2006-07-30 01:00:00.000
    130         0           06 Jul 30 Sun 01:00AM 00:00:19     19            2006-07-30 01:00:00.000
    131         0           06 Aug 06 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:26     146           2006-08-06 00:00:00.000
    132         0           06 Aug 06 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:26     146           2006-08-06 00:00:00.000
    133         1           06 Aug 06 Sun 01:00AM 00:03:45     225           2006-08-06 01:00:00.000
    134         1           06 Aug 06 Sun 01:00AM 00:03:45     225           2006-08-06 01:00:00.000
    135         0           06 Aug 13 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:24     144           2006-08-13 00:00:01.000
    136         0           06 Aug 13 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:25     145           2006-08-13 00:00:00.000
    137         1           06 Aug 13 Sun 01:00AM 00:03:47     227           2006-08-13 01:00:00.000
    138         1           06 Aug 13 Sun 01:00AM 00:03:47     227           2006-08-13 01:00:00.000
    139         0           06 Aug 20 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:29     149           2006-08-20 00:00:01.000
    140         0           06 Aug 20 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:30     150           2006-08-20 00:00:00.000
    141         1           06 Aug 20 Sun 01:00AM 00:04:23     263           2006-08-20 01:00:01.000
    142         1           06 Aug 20 Sun 01:00AM 00:04:24     264           2006-08-20 01:00:00.000
    143         0           06 Aug 27 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:13     133           2006-08-27 00:00:01.000
    144         0           06 Aug 27 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:14     133           2006-08-27 00:00:00.000
    145         1           06 Aug 27 Sun 01:00AM 00:03:41     221           2006-08-27 01:00:00.000
    146         1           06 Aug 27 Sun 01:00AM 00:03:41     221           2006-08-27 01:00:00.000
    147         0           06 Sep 03 Sun 12:00AM 00:00:05     5             2006-09-03 00:00:00.000
    148         0           06 Sep 03 Sun 12:00AM 00:00:05     5             2006-09-03 00:00:00.000
    149         1           06 Sep 03 Sun 01:00AM 00:04:02     242           2006-09-03 01:00:00.000
    150         1           06 Sep 03 Sun 01:00AM 00:04:02     242           2006-09-03 01:00:00.000
    151         0           06 Sep 10 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:25     145           2006-09-10 00:00:00.000
    152         0           06 Sep 10 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:25     145           2006-09-10 00:00:00.000
    153         1           06 Sep 10 Sun 01:00AM 00:08:00     480           2006-09-10 01:00:01.000
    154         1           06 Sep 10 Sun 01:00AM 00:08:01     480           2006-09-10 01:00:00.000
    155         0           06 Sep 17 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:33     153           2006-09-17 00:00:04.000
    156         0           06 Sep 17 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:38     158           2006-09-17 00:00:00.000
    157         1           06 Sep 17 Sun 01:00AM 00:07:22     442           2006-09-17 01:00:01.000
    158         1           06 Sep 17 Sun 01:00AM 00:07:23     443           2006-09-17 01:00:00.000
    159         0           06 Sep 24 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:54     174           2006-09-24 00:00:00.000
    160         0           06 Sep 24 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:55     174           2006-09-24 00:00:00.000
    161         1           06 Sep 24 Sun 01:00AM 00:04:04     244           2006-09-24 01:00:00.000
    162         1           06 Sep 24 Sun 01:00AM 00:04:04     244           2006-09-24 01:00:00.000
    163         0           06 Oct 01 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:49     169           2006-10-01 00:00:01.000
    164         0           06 Oct 01 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:50     169           2006-10-01 00:00:00.000
    165         1           06 Oct 01 Sun 01:00AM 00:03:39     219           2006-10-01 01:00:01.000
    166         1           06 Oct 01 Sun 01:00AM 00:03:40     220           2006-10-01 01:00:00.000
    167         0           06 Oct 08 Sun 12:00AM 00:01:14     74            2006-10-08 00:00:01.000
    168         0           06 Oct 08 Sun 12:00AM 00:01:16     76            2006-10-08 00:00:00.000
    169         1           06 Oct 08 Sun 01:00AM 00:03:04     184           2006-10-08 01:00:00.000
    170         1           06 Oct 08 Sun 01:00AM 00:03:04     184           2006-10-08 01:00:00.000
    171         0           06 Oct 15 Sun 12:00AM 00:00:12     11            2006-10-15 00:00:00.000
    172         0           06 Oct 15 Sun 12:00AM 00:00:12     11            2006-10-15 00:00:00.000
    173         0           06 Oct 15 Sun 01:00AM 00:00:26     26            2006-10-15 01:00:00.000
    174         0           06 Oct 15 Sun 01:00AM 00:00:26     26            2006-10-15 01:00:00.000
    175         0           06 Oct 22 Sun 12:00AM 00:00:12     11            2006-10-22 00:00:00.000
    176         0           06 Oct 22 Sun 12:00AM 00:00:12     11            2006-10-22 00:00:00.000
    177         1           06 Oct 22 Sun 01:00AM 00:00:36     36            2006-10-22 01:00:00.000
    178         1           06 Oct 22 Sun 01:00AM 00:00:36     36            2006-10-22 01:00:00.000
    179         0           06 Oct 29 Sun 12:00AM 00:00:05     5             2006-10-29 00:00:01.000
    180         0           06 Oct 29 Sun 12:00AM 00:00:06     5             2006-10-29 00:00:00.000
    181         1           06 Oct 29 Sun 01:00AM 00:00:40     40            2006-10-29 01:00:00.000
    182         1           06 Oct 29 Sun 01:00AM 00:00:41     41            2006-10-29 01:00:00.000
    183         0           06 Nov 05 Sun 12:00AM 00:00:09     9             2006-11-05 00:00:01.000
    184         0           06 Nov 05 Sun 12:00AM 00:00:10     10            2006-11-05 00:00:00.000
    185         1           06 Nov 05 Sun 01:00AM 00:00:26     26            2006-11-05 01:00:00.000
    186         1           06 Nov 05 Sun 01:00AM 00:00:26     26            2006-11-05 01:00:00.000
    187         0           06 Nov 12 Sun 12:00AM 00:00:08     8             2006-11-12 00:00:01.000
    188         0           06 Nov 12 Sun 12:00AM 00:00:09     9             2006-11-12 00:00:00.000
    189         1           06 Nov 12 Sun 01:00AM 00:00:24     23            2006-11-12 01:00:00.000
    190         1           06 Nov 12 Sun 01:00AM 00:00:24     23            2006-11-12 01:00:00.000
    191         0           06 Nov 19 Sun 12:00AM 00:00:11     11            2006-11-19 00:00:01.000
    192         0           06 Nov 19 Sun 12:00AM 00:00:12     11            2006-11-19 00:00:00.000
    193         1           06 Nov 19 Sun 01:00AM 00:16:55     1015          2006-11-19 01:00:01.000
    194         1           06 Nov 19 Sun 01:00AM 00:16:56     1016          2006-11-19 01:00:00.000
    195         0           06 Nov 26 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:33     153           2006-11-26 00:00:01.000
    196         0           06 Nov 26 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:34     154           2006-11-26 00:00:00.000
    197         1           06 Nov 26 Sun 01:00AM 00:20:25     1225          2006-11-26 01:00:01.000
    198         1           06 Nov 26 Sun 01:00AM 00:20:26     1226          2006-11-26 01:00:00.000
    199         0           06 Dec 03 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:38     158           2006-12-03 00:00:01.000
    200         0           06 Dec 03 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:40     160           2006-12-03 00:00:00.000
    201         1           06 Dec 03 Sun 01:00AM 00:20:43     1243          2006-12-03 01:00:00.000
    202         1           06 Dec 03 Sun 01:00AM 00:20:43     1243          2006-12-03 01:00:00.000
    203         0           06 Dec 10 Sun 12:00AM 00:02:34     154           2006-12-10 00:00:00.000

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • wow... what a great post!

    thanks !


Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)

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