dateadd function

  • Hi friends,

    I'm trying to convert this piece of code to Oracle and kind of stuck with it.. This is a piece from SQL server procedure but accessing Oracle table.

    create procedure..


    SET @SYSDATETRUN = cast(convert(nvarchar(20), getdate(), 101) as datetime)


    @CREATED= DateAdd(D, CDAYS, @SysDateTrunc),


    from oracletable

    If I need to code this in oracle procedure, can I just use

    create procedure..


    sysdate + cdays


    from oracletable

    Thank you

  • I'm not sure what you are asking. Can you explain better what you are trying to accomplish.

  • Sorry, just trying to understand how this code works..

    This is set in the declare section of the procedure..

    @SYSDATETRUN = cast(convert(nvarchar(20), getdate(), 101) as datetime)

    Is the above statement the same as 'sysdate' in Oracle?

    In the body of the procedure, there is a select statement from a table in Oracle database that is using this variable.


    @CREATED= DateAdd(D, CDAYS, @SysDateTrunc) from ..

    I need to conver this procedure into Oracle and I researched that dateadd function adds the number of days to the mentioned date. So in the above select statement will this be the value of created - 'sysdate + cdays'


  • create procedure..


    sysdate + cdays


    from oracletable

    Thank you

    sysdate cannot be fetched from 'oracletable' :w00t:

    You can say select sysdate from dual or select sysdate + 1 from dual

    sysdate + 1 will give you todays date & time +1 day ie tomorrow the same time.

    -----------------------------------------------------------[font=Arial Black]Time Is Money[/font][font=Arial Narrow]Calculating the Number of Business Hours Passed since a Point of Time[/url][/font][font=Arial Narrow]Calculating the Number of Business Hours Passed Between Two Points of Time[/font]

  • Thanks, Is this function in sql server

    cast(convert(nvarchar(20), getdate(), 101) as datetime)

    equivalent to trunc(sysdate) in Oracle?

    Thanks again

  • newbieuser (11/4/2009)

    cast(convert(nvarchar(20), getdate(), 101) as datetime)

    Instead of the above, I'd use the following in MS SQL Server:

    select dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate()), 0)

  • Actually we have the cast function in sql server now, I'm converting this into Oracle so I need to know the equivalent for it.. Thanks

  • newbieuser (11/4/2009)

    Actually we have the cast function in sql server now, I'm converting this into Oracle so I need to know the equivalent for it.. Thanks

    Understand, but I thought you should see another way to accomplish the task (truncating the time from a datetime value) in MS SQL Server.

    As for Oracle, I have no experience with it. I have worked with MS SQL Server for over 12 years and have some experience with Borland InterBase (about 12 years ago during a side by side comparision with MS SQL Server 6.5).

  • newbieuser (11/4/2009)

    Thanks, Is this function in sql server

    cast(convert(nvarchar(20), getdate(), 101) as datetime)

    equivalent to trunc(sysdate) in Oracle?

    Thanks again


    Let me try to answer you 🙂

    Thanks, Is this function in sql server

    Which function are you talking about. If you are asking about sysdate then yes it is Oracle.

    Now the answer to your primary query

    Following is your SQL Server statements:

    select cast(convert(nvarchar(20), getdate(), 101) as datetime)

    Its Oracle equivalent is:

    select trunc(sysdate) from dual

    More details:

    -----------------------------------------------------------[font=Arial Black]Time Is Money[/font][font=Arial Narrow]Calculating the Number of Business Hours Passed since a Point of Time[/url][/font][font=Arial Narrow]Calculating the Number of Business Hours Passed Between Two Points of Time[/font]

  • Mazharuddin Ehsan (11/3/2009)

    create procedure..


    sysdate + cdays


    from oracletable

    Thank you

    sysdate cannot be fetched from 'oracletable' :w00t:

    Sure it can... SysDate can be "fetched" from any table. It will return the current date and time for every row that's in the table just like GETDATE() does in SQL Server. IIRC, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP can be used in both SQL Server and Oracle on ANY table.

    --Jeff Moden

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  • Jeff Moden (11/4/2009)

    Mazharuddin Ehsan (11/3/2009)

    create procedure..


    sysdate + cdays


    from oracletable

    Thank you

    sysdate cannot be fetched from 'oracletable' :w00t:

    Sure it can... SysDate can be "fetched" from any table. It will return the current date and time for every row that's in the table just like GETDATE() does in SQL Server. IIRC, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP can be used in both SQL Server and Oracle on ANY table.

    Point taken Jeff. Thanks for the info. However, the fact remains that

    In SQL Server we can say

    select getdate()

    while in Oracle, it will be

    select sysdate from dual

    So the answer to the OP is as follows


    create procedure..


    trunc(sysdate) + cdays


    from oracletable

    Although the column sysdate is not part of the table it can be used in a select statement. The dual seems to be working hidden in this case.

    -----------------------------------------------------------[font=Arial Black]Time Is Money[/font][font=Arial Narrow]Calculating the Number of Business Hours Passed since a Point of Time[/url][/font][font=Arial Narrow]Calculating the Number of Business Hours Passed Between Two Points of Time[/font]

  • Dual is just a single row pseudo table in Oracle. The reason it is there is because Selects have to have a from clause to be parsed correctly. Sysdate is a function that returns the current date and time and can be part of any select statement from any table.

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