DateAdd Function

  • Hi All

    I have created a report, and I am trying to get it so users can enter X amount in a parameter and this will substract the number or hours from the current date and time.

    Example if a user puts in 5 in the parameter this is minus 5 hours from the current time.

    I have used the dateadd function and it works if I physcially put in the number in the query but it does not like it when I put in the parameter. The error is "Operand date type datetime is invalid for minus operator"

    If I take the Minus out I get the following error "Argument data type datetime is invalid for argument 2 of dateadd function"

    I have tried to use convert to change the parameter to an integar but SSRS says it does not recognise INT as a function. Also tried to use convert varchar to no avail. Ive tried with brackets with out, But I may be getting the coding wrong...Can some advise please?

    dateadd(HH, -(@hours), getdate()))



  • I found the resolution you have to add CAST(@HOURS as INT)

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