Datediff and Variables

  • Simple Question can you assign a variable to the datepart portion of a datediff statement?  If so how?

    I would like to create a report with grouped fields by week, year, or quarter so far I have this


    declare @partition char (6)

    , @enddate varchar (15)

     , @NoOfPar int


    set @partition = 'wk'

    set @enddate = '5/21/2004'

    set @noofpar = 2


    select p.BlockID





            ,datediff(@partition ,printdate,@enddate) as part


    from dbo.PrintScrap p


    join dbo.blocks b

    on p.blockID = b.blockID


    when I try to run this in QA I get an error


    “Invalid parameter 1 specified for datediff.”


    If I replace the variable with a standard partition like ‘wk’ it works fine.  I would like to avoid dynamic SQL if possible but if not so be it.


    Cory McRae

  • Dynamic SQL is the only working way. Try this, although no SQL statistics can be calculated on it:


    declare @partition varchar (6)

    , @enddate varchar (15)

     , @NoOfPar int

    set quoted_identifier off

    set @partition = 'wk'

    set @enddate = '5/21/2004'

    set @noofpar = 2

    declare @sql varchar(60)

    set @sql = "select Datediff(" + @partition  + ", printdate, '" + @enddate + "') from PrintScrap "

    select @sql



    I left out some fields and the join. Not sure of the data type of datepart first parameter but is not a character, which is what you are passing.

  • Why not use a case statment to get what you want


    select blah blah,

            case @partition

     when 'wk'

      then datediff(wk,printdate,@enddate)

     when  'mm'

      then datediff(mm,printdate,@enddate)

     when  'hh'

      then datediff(hh,printdate,@enddate)


     as part


  • The Case statement worked great thank you for your input. 



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