DateDiff Problem

  • Hi Folks,

    I Have employee details table in that Date of Birth Column exists.I have to write a stored procedure in which i should calculate the days remainining from the current date.I have used datediff between date of birth and the current date.But it is considering the doate of birth year and giving the result as more days.In this case i need the exact days remaining from current date to date of birth.

    ex: data-- Dob- 29/08/1984

    i should get the upcoming birthday as 4 days me out with this task

  • Hi,

    Change the year to current year because Birth date comes every year,

    then do the date different


    create table #emp


    ID1 int,

    name1 varchar(10),

    DOB varchar(12))

    insert into #emp

    select 101,'JOHN','27/08/1975'

    union all

    select 102,'JOH','28/09/1975'

    union all

    select 103,'JO','29/10/1975'

    select *,(datediff



    (convert(datetime,replace(DOB,right(DOB,4),(year(getdate()))),103))))AS no_of_days

    from #emp

  • you could then use the SIGN() on the number of days, within a case statement. ie.

    CASE SIGN([Statement])

    WHEN -1 THEN 'Not till next year'

    WHEN 0 THEN 'Happy Birthday'

    ELSE CAST([Statement] AS VARCHAR) + SPACE(1) + 'Day(s) to go'



  • hey arun,

    Thanks Dude.....its working....could you send me any code snippets for complex sql queries/articles/tutorials/websites.


    Leo Franklin.M

  • Folks,

    I have one mre challenging task that is when we give a particular month it should tell us a second sunday.

    example data - Current month august - second sunday is 2


    ...can u please help me out with this

  • Hi Leo,

    For the new queries, please put in to the new topic,

    Because lot of voluntaries notice the topic and give their best idea.

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