DateFormat Inconsistency between MDY and DMY

  • Hi all,

    I have a weird issue here, im using a Clustered SQL Server 2008 that display Date as YYYY/MM/DD even thow its set up to be a us_english language and Date format MDY :

    language : us_english

    dateformat : mdy

    datefirst : 7

    The regional setting in Windows are set to be US and Date Format is MM/DD/YYYY

    So, a query like : INSERT INTO tab ([Key] ,[DatField]) VALUES (123,'2009/30/01') raise an error

    An other point is any query result with dates in it still display dates in DMY format!

    i dont understand why this discrpency between SQL Server setting and query results?

    Any halp Plz!!

  • I always use the following practice:

    execute SET DATEFORMAT YMD right before your insert or update statements so SQL doesn't get ambigous about it.

  • Yes i use it too for my own query, but for our business ERP I need to Display the Data as MDY...that should be some way to change the way SSMS diaplay the date, specialy when its already set as MDY!!!

    Really weird, Windows, SQL Server, and the Login Language are all set to US_English and MDY...but SSMS still diaplay Data as DMY..looks like a bug?

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