Dates for report

  • I need to pass SQL to a third party app as a complete string, without the ability to change variables. The results will be data for a report. The requirements for the report are any invoicedate (datetime) within the past six months from the end of last month. I have come up with the following, but would greatly welcome an easier and shorter way in SQL..

    WHERE invoicedate between

    (SELECT Convert(datetime, Convert(varchar, DateAdd(mm, -6, DateAdd(dd, 1 - DatePart (dd, GetDate()), GetDate())), 101), 101))


    (SELECT Convert(datetime,Convert(varchar, DateAdd(dd, 1 - DatePart (dd, GetDate()), GetDate()), 101), 101))



  • WHERE invoicedate BETWEEN

    DATEADD( mm, -6, CAST( CAST( DATEADD( dd, 1-DAY( getdate()), getdate() ) AS CHAR( 11 ) ) AS DATETIME ) )


    CAST( CAST( DATEADD( dd, 1-DAY( getdate()), getdate() ) AS CHAR( 11 ) ) AS DATETIME )

    Although I would recommend running GETDATE() one time prior to running this statement and using it in the statement as a constant.

    Edited by - mromm on 05/02/2003 3:41:14 PM

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