datetime conversion

  • Hi,

    I need some help with SQL.

    I want to convert a datetime value into a string, however, when I use the CAST function, it returns, eg,  Jan 1 1900, when I actually want '1900-01-01' with the quotes.

    Any ideas?



  • Convert and string concatenation can help you.

  • try this





    IF LEN(@MONTH) = 1 SET @MONTH = '0' + @MONTH


    IF LEN(@DAY) = 1 SET @DAY = '0' + @DAY

    SELECT '''' + @YEAR + '-' + @MONTH + '-' + @DAY + '''' AS DATE

  • Actually, I think you're using the wrong function... in most cases, CAST and CONVERT work the same way...
    ...except for dates and then CONVERT works very nicely for converting DateTime values to strings.
    CONVERT looks like this...
    CONVERT ( data_type [ ( length ) ] , expression [ , style ] )
       (see "Books-on-Line" for a table of what "style" a datetime expression can be when converting DateTime "expressions" to CHAR or VARCHAR)
    To convert to the format that you want, try this...
    CONVERT(Varchar(30), yourdatetimevalue, 120)  but that will also give you the time 
    But, that's not a problem either...
    LEFT(CONVERT(Varchar(30), yourdatetimevalue, 120),10) but that doesn't give you the quotes you want
    ''''+LEFT(CONVERT(Varchar(30), yourdatetimevalue, 120),10)+'''' should do the trick
    And, "YES", those are four single quotes.

    --Jeff Moden

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  • I tried the CONVERT function, and it didn't seem to work...

    Thanks Jeff, your last suggestion, this works great.


  • Statement below does it "in one".  The part shown in red is the date to convert to the format you want. Change the whole of the portion shown in red by your datetime variable - don't be put off by it being an expression in my sample code - I could have used a separate "declare" and "set".

    select ''''+substring(convert(varchar,convert(datetime,'1 Feb 1990'),120),1,10)+''''
  • How about this, we can get rid of the substring as well.

    select ''''+convert(varchar(10),convert(datetime,'1 Feb 1990'),120)+''''

    Or say for current day


    select ''''+convert(varchar(10),convert(datetime,GETDATE()),120)+''''



    Prasad Bhogadi

  • try select '''' + convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120) + ''''



    select  convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120)  to get the date without quotes

  • Yeah should absolutely solve it without any issues whatsoever.


    Prasad Bhogadi

  • Sql Server also a neat function QuoteName() that can help clean up all the single quotes.  You could use Select QuoteName(convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120), '''')which will return '2004-03-03'.  It is a little easier to read.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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